African woman gives birth to 10 babies!

An African woman gives birth to 10 babies! A story with a vast cover-up. It’s been almost a year after the stunning news of decuplet(10 kids) being born in South Africa, and it’s still unclear if the babies exist.

The news organization that broke the story claims that the health officials in Gauteng province engaged in a “massive cover-up” and is now seeking full disclosure.

Following reports that an African woman gave birth to ten babies or the decuplet on June 7, 2021, at a Pretoria hospital, a spokeswoman for the South African Department of Government Communications issued a statement claiming that the government could not verify the news in any of the country’s health facilities.

Thamara Sithole (the said mother of 10 babies)

Gosiame Thamara Sithole, 37, born and raised in Tembisa near Johannesburg, reportedly gave birth to three boys and seven girls via Caesarean section, according to her family. She was seven months and seven days pregnant, her husband told South African media with emotion. “I’m happy, I’m emotional. I can’t say much. Please let’s talk again tomorrow,” said Teboho Tsotetsi.

Around the start of the pregnancy, Sithole was told she was expecting sextuplets (6 babies). That news came as a big surprise, especially since she and her husband are already parents to six-year-old twins. The couple was told that they could expect not six, but even eight, children during the pregnancy. Two children turned out to be hidden behind their brothers and sisters in the womb.

Sleepless night

The surprise was all the greater Monday night when doctors found out that they had missed two more children on the scan. With that news, Sithole would break a world record, but The Guinness World Book of Records has still not been able to verify it.

“It was difficult for a while, but now I am very happy,” the mother told local media earlier this week. She speaks of ’a miracle’. “Thank God all my children were born healthy.” Sithole suffered from sleepless nights throughout the pregnancy due to the restlessness and stress she experienced because of her unborn children.

“How would they fit in the womb? Would they survive? I asked myself all these questions until the doctor assured me that my uterus was starting to expand inside. God performed a miracle, and my children remained in the womb without complications.”

On various forums, the Gauteng provincial health department reaffirmed that remark. Other government agencies, both municipal and provincial, released contradictory comments verifying or refuting the report.

The provincial government’s spokesperson also stated he couldn’t confirm the decuplet’s birth. The newborns had not been discovered in any public or private hospitals, he added. According to the Ministry of Health and the CEO of Pretoria’s Steve Biko Hospital, there is no indication that Gosiame Thamara Sithole gave birth in a private or public hospital, and they have been unable to locate her or the infants.

The news of the 10 babies was also shared on social media
The news of the 10 babies was also shared on social media

Personal investigation

Then, the report of the birth of the 10 babies in South Africa continues to be supported by Independent Media. “Following the unexpected turn of events, we initiated a private inquiry.” Sithole (the African woman who gives birth to 10 babies) was admitted to Steve Biko Hospital late in the morning on Monday, June 7, 2021, and transported to the maternity ward.

Four physicians and two nurses arrived at her house at 6 p.m. She went on to have five vaginal births. The last five were delivered through a Caesarean section. On Wednesday evening, the independent online (IOL) news site said that it affects seven males and three girls.

According to Independent Media, the mother stayed in a Pretoria hospital until Friday, June 11. She was moved to a vacant room on the ward for moms whose infants were still in the hospital the day before. She was given bread and tea in the morning but nothing more for the remainder of the day. She didn’t get any medical or psychological treatment either.

An urgent inquiry for the 10 babies

According to the media, the information has been validated by many independent sources, including hospital personnel. “If asked, we will provide the information to law enforcement officials.”

In light of the findings of the private inquiry, Independent Media is demanding an “immediate probe” of the CEO of Steve Biko Hospital, the Gauteng provincial government, and the head of the health department’s actions and words around the teen’s birth.

Gosiame Thamara Sithole, 37, born and raised in Tembisa near Johannesburg
Gosiame Thamara Sithole, 37, was born and raised in Tembisa near Johannesburg

“We are requesting that the national government investigate if there was criminal behavior in the cover-up of Ms Sithole’s and her infants’ inadequate clinical treatment since it seems that Steve Biko Hospital was not completely equipped for the deliveries.” This raises the possibility of egregious medical malpractice.

The abuse of Sithole has left Independent Media “more than appalled.” “She had no food, no assistance, no post-natal medical treatment, and no postpartum care.” African woman giving birth to 10 babies is unusual and should have been properly planned, according to the media firm.

“Instead, hospital officials pressed the mother to pretend she was not at Steve Biko Hospital. Ms Sithole has endured physical and emotional stress as a result of her hospital and government treatment.” The firm requests “full transparency” from the hospital, which includes telling the public what happened to the 10 newborns.

False information

According to the media, the birth spurred “a concerted attempt to defame the mother, the editor of Pretoria News, Independent Media, and her chairman with claims it was”. “It isn’t, and we’re sticking to our narrative,” writes Independent Online.

The shocking story that a rare African woman gives birth to 10 babies in South Africa is untrue. According to a regional government inquiry, this is the case.

According to medical examinations, the 37-year-old lady who broke the news in a prominent newspaper was not even pregnant. Despite this, the story’s journalist walks through the dust in an internal statement. “They had no motive to conceal the pregnancy from me. It was a party narrative for me.”

South African woman gave birth to 10 babies never existed

The soap opera that has enthralled South Africa finally came to an end after a time of contradicting claims and harsh accusations back and forth. Unfortunately, what began as a merry-go-lucky narrative with only joyous parties rapidly devolved into a never-ending and, above all, inimitable hunt for 10 infants who, as it turned out, never existed. What’s left are the shards of a shattered family and a soiled newspaper, which has sparked a great deal of suspicion.

Gosiame Thamara Sithole when she was pregnant with the "unseen" 10 babies
Gosiame Thamara Sithole when she was pregnant with the “unseen” 10 babies

Piet Rampedi, the story’s author, combs through the dust in an email to the editor-in-chief of the major ‘Independent Media.’ The statement, which News24 owns, says, “I am sorry for the reputational harm the aftermath of the story has brought to the organization and my colleagues in general.” “I am completely aware that the news and public opinion have put my colleagues in an unpleasant situation and put them under a great deal of public scrutiny.”


The tale of the journalist rapidly went viral due in part to a striking picture of a very joyful, heavily pregnant woman. Gosiame Thamara Sithole, 37, already a mother of twins, had given birth by cesarean section to three boys and seven girls, according to Rampedi. He didn’t have any formal information, unfortunately. He did, however, maintain good contact with his mother. Despite the doubts of even her own family, she persisted that she had given birth to 10 children at the same time.

Rampedi’s employer stood behind him despite the backlash, claiming that the health authorities had engaged in a “massive cover-up.” The ministry of health replied with “dismay and deep disappointment,” demanding that the media company retract the serious charges. The story then went quiet for days, but the journalist now concedes that he could have handled it “absolutely better.”

In the email, he admits, “Honestly, I never treated the story as an investigation.” “Like a result, I never asked for proof of the pregnancy, as I would with a research article.” “There was nothing to look into, I reasoned. I was mistaken, based on the course of events and the reactions of the administration and our opponents. It wasn’t always a happy tale. It was an investigative story, and it deserved to be addressed as such.”

The African woman who allegedly gives birth to 10 babies
The African woman who allegedly gives birth to 10 babies

Legal action is being taken

It is not left to its own devices by the municipal administration. It files a lawsuit against the journalist and his editor-in-chief for harm to their reputation. “The Gauteng provincial government is highly worried by the actions of ‘Independent Media,’ particularly Mr Piet Rampedi, the editor of ‘Pretoria News,’” spokesperson Thabo Masebe told national media.

“Doctors have recently verified that Ms Sithole has not given birth to any infants in the recent past. It was also discovered that she had not recently been pregnant. What will happen to the lady is unknown. She was brought to a hospital psychiatric ward for a mental health evaluation. Ms Sithole will continue to receive medical, psychological, and social care from the Gauteng Provincial Government and any other aid she needs.”

Nothing has been heard again about the African woman who gives birth to 10 babies.

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