Alec Baldwin starts a feud with Donald Trump Jr.

That Alec Baldwin returned this weekend in his role as President Trump in Saturday Night Live, has not passed the Trump family. On Sunday, the president himself already reacted to the broadcast, yesterday his son Donald Jr froze further with the actor.

The 41-year-old responded to a tweet by Baldwin, who says he feels threatened by the president’s angry words. “The guy that punches people in the face over a parking spot, has aggressively harassed paparazzi, and humiliated his daughter berating her over the phone eye etc is worried about a tweet that doesn’t even mention him? Spare everyone your bullshit Alec!,” the presidential son tweeted.

It did not take long before Alec Baldwin, the 60-year-old actor responded. “You know junior, I understand that you are stressed, with that fear of a possible deposition and imprisonment for your part in the largest criminal organization that ever operated from the White House. But do not worry. Turn on NBC when you are in the box. Your father and his silly frills are never far away.” Although Donald junior did not go into Alec’s tweets after that, the actor went on with his tirade. In it, he wrote: “I hope you try to shoot an elephant, miss and he tramples you.”

Alec Baldwin starts a feud with Donald Trump Jr.
©AP – Alec Baldwin is on the stick with Donald Jr.
Alec Baldwin starts a feud with Donald Trump Jr.
©AP – Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump in ‘Saturday Night Live’.

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