Are your parents disapprove of your marriage? What to learn

Sometimes our parents often disapprove of our marriage or against the decision of choosing the one we love due to tribe, ethnicity, race, stature, nationality, etc… Do the people around you discriminate against you because of your partner? The testimony of over 70 years of marriage and still true love themselves might help.
In all, true love conquers everything. Many people believe that love cannot be explained or defined. This is not entirely true. There are plenty of definitions for what true love is without impossibilities. It can be so sad and exhausting, or it can be uplifting and freeing. There have probably never been as many lonely people as there are today in the digital age of Internet dating. Many people need a powerful reminder that true love really does exist and that everyone deserves it.
Today, some people have said no to the one they love because their parents or relatives have disapproved of the marriage between the one they love or failed to give their concept.
Today, it is more important than ever to celebrate couples who have not just fallen in love once but have carried that magical feeling through their lives despite the discriminations, exploitations, and rejections met from their parents, relatives, friends, and even from their societies. Mary and Jake, married for over 70 years is among the witness of that.
Mary’s family abandoned her after she married Jake, her true love, in 1948. Seven decades have passed, and they are still insanely happy together.

Mary’s father told her: “If you marry this man, you will never cross the threshold of this house again.” Soon Mary found out that most of her friends and acquaintances think the same way.
The first years of their married life in Birmingham were hell – no one spoke to them, they could not find a place to live. No one wanted to rent a room to a black man, and they had no money to buy. But they didn’t give up.
Life gradually became more accessible. Mary got a job as a teacher. As a result, she became deputy director. Jake worked in a factory and then got a job at the post office. Making friends was brutal.
Mary told her acquaintances: “Before I invite you to my house, I must warn you: my husband is black.” Some never spoke to her again after that. However, Mary never turns her back from the one she truly loves.
Last year, the couple celebrated their 70th birthday. They still love each other very much and do not regret anything a bit.
Maintaining healthy and loving relationships throughout life takes time, effort, and patience but mostly worked out with those who genuinely love themselves without interest. Most relationships begin in a kind of romantic love, in which their partner is great, perfect, and never does anything wrong. But romantic love is just the first phase. It passes over time.
In another story, Howard and Myra met when they were young and fell in love. Racism and the opposition of their families divided the lovers. They broke up and parted away.
Through the decades, the couple carried tender feelings for each other. They could not forget their love, so they reunited and got married more than 45 years after the breakup. Now they value each other so much that every night they hold hands, falling asleep.

You can argue endlessly about what true love is. But one thing is true – this is a feeling that does not make a standstill, whether approved or disapproved by anybody. In which direction it will move – depends only on yourself no by anybody.
Love can degrade or die, or vice versa – develop, blossom, and deepen. If you carelessly rest on your laurels, thinking that you have caught eternity by the tail, or carelessly throw words and deeds, testing it for strength, then there is a high probability of losing this heavenly gift. It is given to everyone, but not everyone can appreciate and preserve this gift.