Bottle found on the shore with a letter written by a Titanic passenger

A group of researchers is trying to figure out the origin of a mysterious letter that a Canadian family found at Hopewell Rocks. When the Canadians saw the bottle with the letter, they immediately handed it to the university to find out who the letter belonged to.

Experts suggest that a young passenger wrote the letter on the Titanic named Matilde Lefebvre, who was 13 years old. The message is dated April 13, 1912 – the day before the ship’s sinking.

“I throw this bottle into the sea in the middle of the Atlantic. We are due to arrive in New York in a few days. If anyone finds a letter, please report it to the Lefebvre family in Lievin,” says the letter.

On the famous ship, Matilda was a third-class passenger and, along with her mother Marie Daumont and three siblings, she was going to meet her father Frank Lefebvre, who left France in 1910 to try his luck in the United States. Unfortunately, this meeting never took place.

Research into the girl’s writing is still ongoing. Historians have already studied the composition of the bottle, cork, paper, and ink.

Experts concluded that the paper, ink, and bottle correspond to the date indicated in the letter, which means that they find it is not fake. However, experts do not understand why Matilde’s message differs from the style taught to French schoolchildren at the time. The researchers plan to invite several experts from other universities to study the writing.

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