Celine B: French women show solidarity photo of their cleavage

Celine B. was called a “dirty whore” by a man on the street because he thought she was wearing a little covert top. On social media, women support her en masse by showing a photo of their cleavage.

The Frenchwoman reported the incident on Twitter on June 18 while attaching a photo of the tip in question. “So… according to a guy, this is cleavage of a dirty whore… Guy, my breasts and I hugely spoil you,” it was said. Her tweet went viral in no time.

Thousands of people retweet and like the message. And women have since expressed their support with the hashtag #JeKiffeMonDecolete (I love my cleavage, ed.). In addition, they proudly add a photo of their cleavage and thus fight sexual harassment in the street.

Meanwhile, the counter for Celine B. solidarity is at more than 15,000 posts.

Women have the right to dress the way they want, is the tenor of the messages.


La Dépêche, Twitter
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