Don’t feel like exercising? Thai clinic introduces instant six-pack

The Masterpiece hospital in the Thai capital Bangkok has introduced an innovative plastic surgery technique with which men can get a realistic six-pack on their stomach in a short time. The hospital does not work with implants, but instead applies liposuction, resulting in a washboard after healing.
According to hospital director Raweewat Maschamadol, the striking treatment is not illegal because the hospital is licensed and is recognized by the Thai government as an official institution where cosmetic and other operations can be performed. “In the meantime, almost thirty men have come to us for the operation in a year. After treatment, they all went home with a big smile.” His patients are mostly fanatic, male fitness athletes who, despite their hard training, do not develop a coveted washboard.
According to the hospital, as reported on Facebook, the six-pack liposuction is a day treatment. The procedure for the equivalent of 3400 euros is done under general anesthesia. After surgery, Maschamadol emphasizes, the abdomen looks somewhat strange with thick bandages. “The gauzes are meant to suck up the blood where the fat has been removed and to force the abdomen into the right shape. It stays for weeks before the washboard looks natural.” Incidentally, the hospital advises continuing training for ‘an even better result’.

On the Facebook page of the hospital are many reviews of men who had the treatment, which is not widely known in some part of the world. One of them is fanatic sportsman Ome who has become frustrated in recent years because he just didn’t get the belly he wanted. “Because the local did not succeed, I decided to leave it to a doctor.” Ome says that thanks to his artificially shaped belly, he is once again “a happy person and full of self-confidence.”
The Six-pack can only be done with men (and women) with a modest tummy. Treatment is not possible for dry, trained types without significant fat.