Fashion brand surprises with ‘skin heels’ and weird creations [Photos]

Still some money left and looking for a last-minute costume for Halloween? Then the Canadian fashion brand Fecal Matter provides a secure solution. At the moment the brand is going around the internet with their waders that resemble your own skin, including devil horns, fleshy heels, boots and toes. On their web shop, however, you will find many more unusual designs that fly out the door for huge amounts.

Fecal Matter, started three years ago by Hannah Rose Dalton and Steven Raj Bhaskaran in Montreal, consists of a clothing line, a DJ act and an Instagram account that is somewhere between a narrow fantasy world and reality. Although it is mainly the shoes, and especially the ‘skin heels’ that are now well known to them.

Originally the boots were made with the aid of prostheses and Photoshop only intended for Instagram. But because so many reactions came up, the duo decided to also create physical copies that are portable. Although portable is relatively, because on the video they posted on Instagram, you see that the model in question is only a meter ahead of the stilts. The silicone heels are not cheap either. They are yours for about 7600 USD. Even if you do get handmade boots that are adapted to your legs. Even your birthmarks and leg hair are copied, just like your skin colour.

For the duo, the boots prove that their custom world on Instagram can also be translated into real life. “We like to create this alien look with Photoshop and make sure it always looks very realistic,” Bhaskaran tells Vogue. “But at the same time, we are also faced with a conflict. We want to actually try to recreate the things we make for the internet in real life. The shoes are a first example of this.” The two furthermore know that they want to make cheaper and slightly more portable versions of the boots because they are already so successful. They think about pumps.

Vogue, Instagram
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