Female tyrants in history

Tyrant is not gender-based; both genders can exhibit their resident evils—the history of humankind stain with scarlet bloodstains. From year to year, our ancestors enthusiastically exterminated not only their enemies but also those close to them.

Previously, the attitude towards human life was completely different: it considers more shameful to lose honor than to go to the forefathers. The mighty Scandinavians considered it a privilege to lay down their heads on the battlefield.

However, we are used to the fact that all the blood is on the hands of men: it was they who declared war and hacked each other for centuries. No matter how it is, if you carefully read the chronicles, it turns out that many women surpassed in the more vigorous action in their desire to destroy and conquer. They were called female tyrants.

List of Female tyrants in history

Darya Saltykova

Darya Saltykova
©Wikepedia – Illustration

When a Russian landowner nicknamed “Saltychikha” died in 1801, there was one more petite bloody figure on Earth, for Daria Nikolaevna brutally tortured many serfs during her life. From a young age, she starved the peasants, scalded them with boiling water, kept them naked in the cold, or set their hair on fire.

Among her victims were men, but the sadist bullied mainly women and girls. In total, at least 138 lost lives are on her conscience. For which Saltykova was put on trial by Catherine II. First, she is sentenced to death, then the sentence change, and the bloodthirsty landowner took into custody. “Saltychikha” died in monastery confinement at the age of 71.

Princess Olga

Princess Olga
Princess Olga

Princess Olga brutally avenged the death of Prince Igor. When the Drevlians came to her with a proposal to become the wife of their prince, Olga replied: “Let the matchmaker carry me in a boat.” The Drevlyans believed, and they carry with honor to the princess’s tower. A hole had already dig in the courtyard, where the matchmakers will be thrown. They explored the hole. The revenge did not end there. Olga invited important Drevlyan husbands to her place, who knew nothing about the former “team” death.

But before the conversation, she offered to wash in the bathhouse from the road. They agreed. Olga ordered the bathhouse to be set on fire together with the ambassadors and then decided to go to Igor’s grave in the Drevlian land and arrange a commemoration. After the feast, the Kiev warriors exterminated about 5 thousand enemies. But that’s not all. Having surrounded Iskorosten, near which Igor died, the Kiev army could not starve out the town in any way.

Olga promised the residents that she would leave, having received a trifling ransom – three pigeons and three sparrows from each yard. The townspeople agreed, and Olga ordered to tie a piece of sulfur to each bird. The sulfur set on fire, the birds, returned home, and the city burst into flames.

Empress Cixi

Empress Cixi
©Allthasinteresting.com – Empress Cixi

In her youth, the cruelest of the Chinese rulers, CiXi, fell into the harem of Emperor Xianfeng. Already there, she showed her sadistic inclinations, seeking the ruler’s attention and pushing rivals into the background.

The sovereign’s wife could not give him an heir, but CiXi did it. Soon Xianfeng caught a bad cold, which was the reason for his death. The heir’s mother took over the government until he reached the right age.

The empress was afraid of losing power, so people from her entourage went to the chopping block one after another. China was rapidly losing population in numerous wars, but the ruler did not spare her subjects, entering new armed conflicts.

When she finally took her to her bed, the Chinese were overjoyed. Her last words were: “Never admit a woman to power”.

Amelia Dyer

Amelia Dyer

Amelia Dyer was one of the most prolific serial killers in history. She reportedly murdered some 400 or more babies during her 20 years in the Victorian era. She would prey on young, unmarried women with babies who would pay her to care for their children. This practice was known as infant farming.

Unlike most baby farmers, Dyer would take money from these women, but instead of caring for their children, she would kill them and dump them in the Thames. Although she was responsible for some of the deaths, she was tried for only one murder and sentenced to death.

Isabella I of Castile

Isabella I of Castile
Isabella I of Castile

Speaking about the number of deaths in which the Spanish queen Isabella I is involved, it is impossible not to mention the sinister figure of the Inquisitor of Torquemada. She headed the “service” that cares about the purity of the religious ranks – the Catholic tribunal. For fifteen years, this figure has been sentenced to burning more than 10 thousand people. The number of survivors of torture and punishment is more than 97 thousand.

What does the queen have to do with it? Isabella gave “the go-ahead,” as she believed, to the fight against heresy, and the Grand Inquisitor was, also, her spiritual mentor. Torquemada made a fan of the faith out of the ruler, and the auto-da-fe fires in the country burned much more often than in other states. It would be unfair to accuse only him that Spain flood with rivers of innocent blood.

Karla Homolka

Karla Homolka
©BBC – Karla Homolka

Karla Homolka is Canada’s most notorious female serial killer. She helped her husband, Paul *Bernardo, molest and murder at least three women, one of whom was her sister. As a result of her plea agreement with the prosecution, she received a relatively light sentence for her crimes. In exchange for her testimony against Bernardo, she received a reduced sentence of only 12 years.

The prosecution was not initially upset about the deal. Homolka claimed Bernardo had been abusing her and forced to participate in the murders; however, video evidence later surfaced that proved she was not a victim but an active participant in all of the murders. Although nothing is done about it, her deal with the prosecutor calls “a deal with the devil”.

Mary I Tudor

Mary I Tudor
Mary I Tudor

She had a famous father – the founder of the Church of England, Henry VIII. He was not afraid of the anger of the Pope for this act of his. As if in revenge, fate gave him a daughter, who became Queen Mary I Tudor, although she gained great fame as “Bloody Mary.”

The girl grew up flimsy, but she was enough for evil – during the years of her reign, almost 300 “oppositionists” burn on the inquisitorial bonfires of England. The queen considered Protestants to be such and fought against them in every possible way. As a result, a mass of people fled from under her reigning oppression.

Even her husband Philip could not stand it – he went to his native Spain. In the summer of 1558, the queen fell ill with a “fever” and died in the fall. The death of the cruel ruler celebrate as a national holiday, and among the sights of England, there is not a single monument in her honor. I didn’t deserve it.

Myra Hindley

Myra Hindley
©TrueCrimeBook – Myra Hindley

Myra Hindley considers being the tyrant woman in British history. Along with her partner Ian Brady, she carried out the Moorish murders in the 1960s. Together, they kidnapped, sexually tortured, and murdered five children and teenagers.

When they catch her, Hindley showed absolutely no remorse for her crimes and pleaded not guilty. For 20 years, she maintained her innocence; however, in 1987, she finally admitted her involvement in all five murders. She died in prison in 2002.

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