First “made in Cameroon” car by Cedric Simen, the designer [Photos]

In Cameroon, passers-by were surprised with words in their mouth, “are you really the one who made it?” The reaction of the car designer, Cedric Simen were of contagious smile that left many bewildered.

Cedric Simen, self-acclaimed car designer, is a 27-year-old man with a contagious smile. He sets some puzzles on Cameroonian social networks with his car model SM 237. The four-wheel drive which has no door and windscreen but has side mirrors. A small two-seater car that seems more suitable for beaches and not for dusty streets.

“This is the first time I see a car made by a Cameroonian,” surprisingly said by a teacher Joseph Koagne, admiring the car, in the district of Bafoussam, capital region of Western Cameroon.

Flashy wheel cover, dashboard, leather seats, the teacher does not hide his admiration that pushes him to take out his smartphone for dozens of picture of this small beach car.

Cedric added that he has “became a star”, with a little overwhelmed by this sudden notoriety. “On Facebook, in the streets, they call me, they congratulate me, they kiss me before the eternal photo. Many tell me that they are proud of me. I receive calls from Cameroon, Benin, Ivory Coast, France, Belgium… everywhere!” Before proceeding in a laugh: “I just wanted to fulfil my childhood dream to build my own car and drive.”

Modification of several cars

Cedric Simen buys several cars, reworking on them in his own way by modifying the suspension, adjusting the wheels… “I always had something to change,” he smiles. In 2018, he finally feels ready to realize his childhood dream. He saved 2.5 million CFA francs (about 3,800 euros) and create his own car.


He got the idea from a video clip of the Ivorian singer Safarel Obiang, he saw a beach car that pleased him and decided to create one of the same style, “but more beautiful, more resistant and able to ride on sandy and mountainous roads, he said. “I wanted an all-terrain car,” he concludes.

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