First Republican senator that asks for Trump’s resignation

Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski calls on her party colleague Donald Trump to resign as President. ‘I want him to resign. I want him gone. He has done enough damage,’ she said to the Anchorage Daily News newspaper in her home state of Alaska.

Murkowski is the first Republican in the Senate to want Trump out openly. Since supporters of the President have stormed the US parliament building, a debate has raged about whether or not to initiate the impeachment process.

It appears that support for that so-called impeachment is growing in the House of Representatives, where Democrats are in the majority, but not in the Senate, where Republicans are in the majority. Both chambers must agree to impeachment.

The White House does not want it to get that far. ‘A politically motivated impeachment against a president in the last 12 days of his term will only further divide our fantastic country,’ said a spokesman for the President.

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