Followers discover new detail on Jennifer Aniston’s Instagram ‘friend’ photo

Kim Kardashian used to be with her buttocks, this time Jennifer Aniston (50) ‘broke’ the internet by joining Instagram and sharing her first public photo. But that is not what everyone is talking about. Attentive followers have, therefore discovered a new detail in the ‘Friends’ photo and cannot believe their eyes. “What a way to make your entrance on social media,” it sounds. But what’ s the matter?

The day after her record debut on Instagram, Jennifer Aniston jokingly offered her apologies for the worldwide failure that caused her account. “I swear it wasn’t my intention to break it. Thank you for the sweet, glitchy welcome,” she wrote, referring of course to the news that she broke Instagram with her first post, a group photo in which she is standing together with her ‘Friend’ colleagues.

The world still can’t stop talking about that photo. Certainly not now that attentive followers dropped their eyes on the smartphone on the table of the company. On the picture, you can see how ‘something white’ seems to be on the screen, and many ask themselves questions.

They think that Aniston accidentally shared more with her first photo than she might have intended. “That is clearly cocaine,” her followers react. Or also: “What is it like they are sniffing coke there together?” And “Those lines of cocaine on the iPhone in Jennifer Aniston’s first Instagram photo, what a great way to make your social media debut!”

Followers discover new detail on Jennifer Aniston’s Instagram ‘friend’ photo
©Instagram – On the photo you can see how ‘something white’ seems to be on the screen, and many ask themselves questions about that.

Is it a reflection?

So much commotion has arisen that all kinds of experts have expressed themselves in foreign media. “I assume it is just a reflection,” says an expert in forensic image interpretation at Australian “Because if you look at the rest of the photo, such reflective white spots can still be seen on the other glossy surfaces. To the right of the phone, for example, there seems to be a kind of drawer with the same light reflections. And if you look right to the right of Matthew Perry’s head, there is another similar reflection.”

Nevertheless, the expert comments: “If the telephone was in a black case and the screen was down on the table, then we could certainly say that it is a reflection. But we don’t actually know that now. This analysis is based on a photo on the internet, and without further information, it is difficult to say with certainty what is going on.”

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