German dentist pulled the longest human tooth in the world: “It was great”

Dentist Max Lukas from Offenbach has drawn the longest human tooth in the world. The canine tooth is 3.72 centimeters long, and the German took the trinket from the mouth of a German patient with Croatian roots who had come to Lukas’ practice with severe pain.

“He had a swelling,” the dentist remembers the treatment to the German press. The canine seemed to have caused inflammation in the upper jaw. Lukas took an X-ray and immediately saw that it was not a healthy tooth: it was incredibly tall. That was great.”

The doctor did not hesitate, and the tooth had to be pulled immediately. “Treatment was not possible.” Removing the tooth was not without a struggle – the tooth was about to break – but eventually, it did work. And so Mijo Vodopija was able to leave the practice without pain.

Guinness World Records

That happened in September 2018. But since last week, Lukas can officially call himself the dentist who pulled the “longest human tooth in the world.” That’s when Guinness World Records recognized the record . This required, among other things, a scientific publication, a second opinion from another dentist, numerous documents and permission from Vodopija.

The tooth measures 3.72 centimeters, half a millimeter longer than the tooth of the previous record holder from India.

The story can soon be read in the upcoming issue of the Guinness record book. To the great delight of Lukas: “Every dentist in the world will read that.” He wants to hang the certificate of the record he received today in his practice in Offenbach, according to local media. And the tooth? He keeps it, naturally, in consultation with his patient.

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