Ghana: A teacher uses her teeth to write

The situation of a mathematics teacher named Enyonam has become viral on social networks because of her determination, altruism, and ability to empower children despite her disability.

A hashtag that was launched on Twitter, led to the discovery of a maths teacher, giving classes to her students using her teeth to write, apparently because she has no arms.

Photos show her teaching maths without arms. She is reported to be a teacher at R/C Addo-Agyiri School.

We do not have a confirmation that she is still teaching at this school.

A hashtag that was launched on Twitter, “#GhanaTrueHero”, sought to celebrate the Ghanaian people who sacrificed themselves for their country.

The photo, since it was posted, has captured the hearts of many Ghanaians who have been astonished by the teacher’s selflessness.

We remember that just a few weeks ago, an ICT teacher, Owura Kwadwo Hottish, teaching his students without a computer, became popular on social media and his heroism was shared around the world on many websites.

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