Girl killed her boyfriend while testing charm for bulletproof

An average-aged man was shot in Calabar, Nigeria, by his girlfriend on her instruction to test the effectiveness of an (Odieshi) charm “native bulletproof” that he had taken previously.

A man identified as “email”, whose real name could not be identified at the time of this report was reported dead. He was shot by his girl on his instruction to test the efficiency of charm prepared against bullets or firearms.

It has been revealed that the victim, who is both cultists and a drug trafficker specializing in the sale of Indian hemp, was with a group of his friends at the time of the incident in a complex where he resides in Nelson Mandela street, South Calabar, opposite the Assembly of God Church.

A family source who pleaded anonymously told the local news people that her sister, Blessing, was a best friend of the deceased “email” because they had been dating for some time.

The source said around 11:00 am Tuesday, the sister passed by the deceased boyfriend’s compound, and the late “email” was with his group of friends, and they had taken local concoctions, including indigenous (Odieshi) charms against guns and bullets.

After the friends had taken the locally made charms, they began to test the anti-gun charms’ effectiveness within themselves. Others had tried, and it proved to be useful. As the saying goes, one must be a scapegoat, but the young man who died chose to ask his girlfriend

to use the gun and shoot him to test the effectiveness of the charm on himself.

Unfortunately, the girl’s shot penetrated, and he collapsed and died instantly and there was chaos, said the source. When the email died, the people in the multi-residence complex all sought safety.

The deceased group became angry with the girl and descended on her with matchets and other crude weapons that cut and bruised her body before police officers were called and she was rescued.

The reports showed that the deceased’s body and the girl were taken to the Police clinic in Calabar through the policemen’s effort. she is currently receiving treatment at the clinic

Police Public Relations Officer at Cross River State Command, DSP Irene Ugbo, confirmed the incident and also confirmed that the girl was admitted to the Police clinic.

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