How to avoid procrastination and laziness

You do not experience stress because you still have enough time, but for some reason, you can’t bring yourself to carry out the task. It’s a classic example of procrastination.

You know, something is waiting for you that needs to finish. Maybe a report that you have to work out at the office and mail to your employees for next week. Or a discussion report from last week’s meeting that you keep putting off. In principle, you do not experience stress because you still have enough time. But for some reason, you can’t bring yourself actually to carry out your task. It’s a classic example of procrastination.

Procrastination is the delay of tasks that you want or need to do and where you know that putting it off is likely to lead to additional difficulties or stress.

In technical terms, we also speak of delaying instead of procrastination. When it comes to students, it often refers to as study avoidance behavior (SOG). Most people only start a task when the completion point or deadline for the task is in sight. Because why should you start something now while you still have plenty of time? Or why do something today if you can postpone it until tomorrow?

Procrastination is also common in work situations. Don’t just think about postponing the preparation of a report or the minutes, but also have to convey a negative message to a direct colleague.

Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to prevent or eliminate procrastination in yourself. Here you will also find helpful tips so that you can finally get all those tasks off your to-do list.

Tips to avoid procrastination

Divide your task into smaller pieces

The first tip is also important. If you find yourself postponing a particular task, it is wise to break that task down into several small and simple tasks. Ensure that you take the steps you need to take for this concrete, tangible, and straightforward for yourself. You will immediately notice that it is nice when you can finally cross something off your list.

Find out what causes your procrastination

Why do you keep on performing a particular task? Does it have to do with the task itself? Is it because you still have enough time for it, and do you think it can still do tomorrow? Or are you scared that you will not succeed? Only when you are aware of the reason for procrastination can you take targeted action.

Set yourself a reward if you do start the task now

Do you have children? Then you probably know this phenomenon. Sometimes they don’t feel like cleaning up their room. But if you offer a reward, such as a tasty candy or, for example, a euro, then they are suddenly ready to complete the task. You can also apply the same trick to yourself. Set a nice reward in store if you manage to complete a specific task. Then keep the agreement and do not reward yourself if you have not yet completed the job. That’s how you build self-confidence.

Make a schedule and stick to it

It can be wise to plan everything you need to do to complete the complete task. Write down exactly what to do and when you will do it. It is an extension of tip 1: chopping the job into pieces. It is imperative that you also stick to that schedule. So do not display procrastination for each part. You will find that now that you have chopped the task into smaller pieces, it is easier to complete the entire job.

Avoid distractions. Eliminate distraction

Wherever you are, distractions are always lurking. Check your social media, watch that one funny video that a good friend sends you, do your laundry when you work from home for a day, or read an e-mail that comes in while you are just doing something important. Therefore, make sure you know how to eliminate all such distractions. For example, turn off the notifications from your e-mail or social media for an hour. That way, you will not be tempted to do something else.

It may sound strange: but above all, give yourself enough rest

Do you postpone things because you have no energy, or are you ready for a bit of rest? It is essential to give yourself enough rest. If you are only busy with your work or study, it will eventually break you up. So make sure you plan moments in your schedule to relax, unwind, or whatever. This way, you avoid feeling guilty when you do nothing. Moreover, you get enough energy again to get started with your tasks the next day.

Learn to say no

A lot of procrastination is the result of an overload of obligations. You have to solve a problem for a customer, later you will explain to a colleague who is not getting the hang of the new software system, and if the new paper supply for the printers, you help the delivery person to get all the packages out of his van. to get.

There is a straightforward solution for taking on too much hay. Just say no when others ask you if you want to do something for them. All these types of tasks do not help you to achieve your quota, tasks, and goals. Selfish? Not at all. You often have to take care of yourself before you can help someone else.

As you can see, there are countless possibilities to ensure that you finally get that one job on your list done. So say goodbye to your guilt and hello to the beautiful feeling of satisfaction.

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