How to deal with dry skin in winter

When the weather becomes cold, delicate skin becomes dry and sensitive. Of course, daily care will have to alter due to this.

What to do and how to fix the issue of dry skin winter

How to deal with dry skin in winter

Here are a few tips to keep you warm during winter, when heaters, radiators, and frosts practically dry our skin off. To get the latest stories, install our app here

1. Make your home’s air more humid

When the heater is on full blast, the air gets very dry, harmful to the skin. A humidifier may assist with this, but if you don’t want to spend the money on one, fill some containers with water and set them in the rooms (it should be hot). Replace the cold fluid with a hot one after it cools down.

2. Take a break from wearing wool for a while

No one can deny that wool is an extremely warm fabric that keeps you warm even in the coldest temperatures. But, before you put on your favourite sweater, consider if it is suitable for your skin. To get the latest stories, install our app here

Avoid wearing woollen clothing on your nude body, or replace it with cotton. Natural wool, it turns out, is so rough that it may cause itching and skin dryness. On the other hand, Cotton clothing has a lower negative effect, despite the fact that it retains heat well.

3. Select the appropriate detergent

When laundry detergent contains too many chemicals and scents, it may hurt the skin and cause it to dry up again, particularly in girls with sensitive skin. Try to substitute the conventional methods with alternatives, milder. Baby powders and conditioners, for example, have much fewer chemicals and have no smells. To get the latest stories, install our app here

4. Invest in high-quality moisturizers

Purchase more greasy and heavy creams instead of light lotions, which are more convenient to use in the summer. It’s ideal if the chosen product contains natural oils to keep the skin moisturized. To get the latest stories, install our app here

5. Maintain a healthy diet

Avocados, fatty salmon, and olive oil should all be included in your diet since they are rich in fats, which help the skin maintain moisture. To get the latest stories, install our app here

6. Avoid using body scrubs

To avoid irritating dry skin, even more, rough exfoliating washes and harsh washcloths should be saved for another season. And, after washing, instead of rubbing yourself with a towel, gently wipe the moisture away before applying the cream. To get the latest stories, install our app here

7. When bathing, avoid using hot water

Hot water dries out the skin even more while robbing it of its so-called protective layer, which is made up of sebum. Dermatologists believe that hot showers and baths should last no more than 10 minutes and that washing with warm water is preferable. Last but not least, don’t forget to moisturize! To get the latest stories, install our app here

8. Remain stress-free

Stress is linked to the emergence of rashes, redness, and even psoriasis on the skin! Avoid being apprehensive and cope with negativity in whatever manner you can. Take a walk in the fresh air, get plenty of rest, read engaging novels, or meditate.

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