How to send anonymous voice messages on WhatsApp

How can I send anonymous voice messages on WhatsApp? It’s a lot simpler than you think. You will only need one app.

The Clubhouse exploded like a bomb in the world of social media. All of a sudden, voicemail became the absolute trend of the internet and communication again. Now, Facebook is preparing its social audio network because it wants to and can.

After all, Mark Zuckerberg’s creation has been following this strategy for many years, almost from the very beginning: first we copy, then we innovate. In all this rapidly evolving landscape that is being created, there is always a key question: how will our data remain anonymous?

Of course, one easily wonders: why send anonymous messages to WhatsApp? The reasons you may want to do this are many and varied – it would be good, of course, not to have to do with criminal acts or internet stalking.

In any case, retaining the right to anonymous messages is inalienable, even if they are vocal. But how can you do that?

Voice editing on WhatsApp

But before we look at how you can leave a voice message without being noticed, let’s take a look at something simpler. WhatsApp allows you to send anonymously a text message or a photo through the tools it has, to any phone number you know, provided of course, that it is connected to the popular instant messenger.

OK, that is simple, but what about voice mails? There are several apps that can help with this. After all, after the latest developments and the changes imposed by the Facebook subsidiary on WhatsApp, the fears for personal data breach are, not unjustly, greater than ever.

That’s why there are applications for voice editing. Perhaps the most famous of these is called Voice Changer with effects and already has more than 100 million downloads in the Play Store.

What exactly does it offer? It allows you to put various effects (humorous, scary, psychedelic) on your voice to truly recognisable it. In fact, you can “tease” all kinds of recordings with this application.

But this is not our issue here. Voice Changer with effects is the easiest way to send anonymous voice messages on WhatsApp – at least to those who do not know your personal number. The same can be done with Voice Changer Plus if you are an iPhone fanatic.

So experiment with 55 different effects. Or if you want to search the App Store and Play Store. There are many apps out there to change the tone and quality of your voice.

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