How to tackle winter ailments such as blown lips and dry skin

The winter cold has reached but does not exactly improve our appearance. The sharp wind and central heating running at full speed dry out lips, and skin cause painful eyes and even broken nails. Fortunately, there are measures that you can take to limit the damage.

Cracked lips

Lips are extra sensitive to drought because the surface is a thin membrane that should ideally always be moist. A first reflex might be to lick it, but that only makes the problem worse because the moisture evaporates faster.

Gentle and old-fashioned but super effective is applying a layer of Vaseline. This will literally form a barrier against wind, dry air, and unnecessary moisture. A lack of vitamin B can also lead to dry lips, so taking a supplement can also help. It also helps to drink plenty of water to hydrate you, and you can also try rubbing a cucumber over your lips and then applying a layer of honey before you go to sleep.

Dry eyes

If you suffer from dry eyes, put a warm compress on your eyes in the evening or use moisturizing eye drops that you can buy at the pharmacy or the drugstore throughout the day. You can also keep the tear glands moist in the corners of your eyes by tapping them regularly with a cotton swab soaked in diluted baby oil.

Dehydrated hands

In addition to lips, hands will undoubtedly suffer the most during the winter. That is why they ideally need extra protection because they are more prone to dehydration due to frequent exposure to soap and water than any part of their body.

When your skin starts to crack, you quickly develop a condition called ‘eczema crackle’. This is another good reason not to leave hand cream on the shelves. Actually, you should moisturize your hands almost 24 hours a day with this type of care, especially after yet another wash. This will kill your discomforts and stimulate the healing process. Always wear gloves when you go outside.

Static hair

The only way to tame your tangled straw hair during the cold winter months is hydration. Useful remedies for this are hair masks or conditioners that you don’t have to rinse out. Apply these before you start styling your hairstyle.

You can also add more time between washing and drying your hair and combing your hair well every night. This way, you divide the oils nicely from the skull to the dots. So you can not only fight static plucking you also give extra nourishment to your hair. Woolen hats can sometimes irritate your scalp. If you are sensitive to wool or easily have itch or flakes, then prefer to wear a cotton hat.

Dry (face) skin

The advice of beauticians to prevent you from going from dry to outright irritated skin is to tackle the problem early. You can do this by using a mild moisturizing cream, taking shorter and less hot showers, and using a cleansing lotion that also hydrates extra.

Thus, moisture and natural oils are less likely to be removed from your skin so that it remains soft for longer and is more resistant to the ravages of winter drought. It is also good to take care of dead skin cells at least twice a week to stimulate cell renewal. Please note, also use mild products to prevent the usefulness of the rest of your care from being eliminated. So a peeling rather than a scrub. Also, buy a humidifier for your home so that the air is not too dry.

Broken nails

The dry winter air and central heating are unfortunately also bad for your nails. To prevent your nails from breaking down or splitting, you can take a supplement of essential fatty acids (flaxseed oil). To keep your nails and cuticles hydrated, you can apply a thick layer of Vaseline in the evening and go to sleep with cotton socks on your hands. In the morning, your hands and also your nails will be soft and in better condition. You can also treat dry nails by soaking them in a warm bath of olive oil for 15-30 minutes.

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