“I thought I was going to be a father” but kept the secret for 8 months

The broken hearth can be felt in his words. He was happy that soon he will be a father, even his mother thinks so to be a grandma. The lady decided to reveal the secret after 8 months. But what makes the man feel sad: “she lied to me for 8 months”
Nkosii as his name on Twitter reportedly tweets a message he got from his girlfriend. He calls out the lady for making him take care of another man’s unborn child for 8 months. On his message, Nkosii indicated that he “thought I will be a father” but that his thoughts become a nightmare.
According to the screenshot, the girl made him understand that “the baby I’m caring is not your baby,” it sounds. She assumed that Nkosi was responsible for the pregnancy. “I just realized that I supposed to be 8 months,” she adds. “But we had sex in December so I conceived late in October.”

She continues that her “baby dad” is her “Ex-boyfriend,” according to the message reads. The mother of the unborn child realize her mistakes and apologize. “I really sorry. I can even pay the money you gave me but not now.”

The devastated man who said he “thought I am going to be a father” insisted that the girl played to his intelligence. “She knew all along. That’s why she wanted to tell me.” The lady revealed she conceived on “late October” but she had sex with Nkosii in December. Does it mean she is not aware she is pregnant till December?

“What makes me sad is that she kept the secret and lied to me for 8 months. We already planned everything and she was nagging me that I’m not taking good care of her and I was literally doing my best,” Nkosii stressed.

Some Twitter users shared their own opinions and insist that the girl is a liar. “Regardless, still request for DNA test she’s proven a lair.”
Another user points out that the infidelity of the lady should not be attributed to all ladies. “It is about the individual here and not women in general, one bad apple does not spoil the whole bunch. Clearly, she was being manipulative maybe the original father denied it then and she needed money to take care of herself and when he eventually owned up she now has to reverse her story. The guy should look at the positive side of things, the woman does not deserve him. He probably deserved better than a lady who sleeps around.”