Incredible condition to have Mauritian nationality

Mauritian government intend to attract billionaire investors with the recent initiatives on its territory.

To have Mauritian nationality, you have to pay a specific amount of $1million to the National Sovereign Fund.

The information was provided by the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Finance. The new citizens of Mauritius will have the right to vote but they will have to pay the amount of one million dollars.

Dependents of the applicant for nationality and spouses may also claim Mauritian nationality by paying an additional $100,000 for each member.

On the other hand, the Mauritian passport is awarded because of the payment of $500,000. But, does not confer the right to vote.

Here too, the claimant’s dependents and spouses may apply, provided, among other things, to pay $50,000 per claim.

In the country, critics have followed the announcement of these measures, especially in the political family.

Ashok Subron, populist political leader said “The notion of nationality of a country is not a product. It has no price and is in no way a commodity.

The Mauritian passport gives access to 121 countries in the world, without visa requirements. The political class fears that Mauritius will turn into a shelter for money laundering.

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