Israel announces new bombing raids on Gaza

The Israeli Air Force has announced bombing raids in the Gaza Strip in retaliation for the incendiary balloons released from Gaza in recent days. Last week, the Israeli army already carried out multiple attacks on positions of the radical Hamas movement in Gaza.

It is feared that the Israeli retaliation will lead to a resurgence of the armed conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Earlier this week, Israel already hit back by closing a border crossing for goods.

Yesterday evening, Israeli authorities also announced that the fishing zone around Gaza is being curtailed from a radius of 15 to 8 nautical miles.

In a brief statement, the Israeli army said it has targeted Hamas military bases, underground infrastructure, and observation posts, among other things. A Palestinian intelligence source confirms the attacks, which he says did not cause any injuries.

Since Hamas took power in Gaza in 2007, Israel and the movement have fought three wars. Israel also decided to build a wall around Gaza.

Despite a ceasefire agreement concluded last year, there are frequent attacks by Hamas with rockets, mortar shells or fire balloons and retaliatory attacks by the Israeli army.

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