Kanye West shares an emotional poem about divorce

Kanye ‘Ye’ West (44) is still having a hard time after more than a year with the break with Kim Kardashian (41). The rapper has repeatedly stated that he wants to win over the mother of his four children again. West is currently on an emotional rollercoaster, and he has shared a poem about those feelings on social media.

In that poem, West likens separation to other kinds of pain. ‘It feels like a heavy corona infection,’ he writes. “As if even your doctor doesn’t know what to do. It feels like walking through glass, running through a glass wall, choking and having your teeth pulled out with pliers. You are no longer yourself. You are what is left of yourself,” the rapper also closes.

Picture of the poem about those feelings on social media
Picture of the poem about those feelings on social media. ©Instagram/@kanyewest

The poem comes a few days after Kardashian was officially declared single by the judge at her own request, a legal step that is possible in the United States before a divorce is finalized. To get the latest stories, install our app here.

A day after Kim’s court visit, West also released a music video in which he lashes out at Kardashian’s new love interest for the umpteenth time. An animated film with clay figures from his single ‘Eazy’ shows the comedian being buried ‘alive’.


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