Liberia lunch mental health program for mothers

The Carter Center Liberia and the Liberian Ministry of Health have launched a new program aimed at protecting the mental health of pregnant women: the program is called the Thinking Healthy Program (THP) and will help mothers and expectant mothers to focus on positive mental health.

The program will inspire mothers and pregnant women to receive help and support from nurses and medical staff, particularly in the counties of Montserrado and Margibi, where project activities are concentrated.

The program was also launched in collaboration with the Liberia Center for Outcome Research on Mental Health (LICORM) with funding from Open Society Foundations, Grand Challenges Canada and Grand Challenges Africa.

Doctors Without Borders was the first international NGO, after the Ebola epidemic, to set up and carry out a mental health project in Liberia, at the time aimed at survivors of the virus and then extended to other groups of the population.

MSF’s work with the Liberian Ministry of Health has laid the foundations for a different approach to mental health in the country.

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