Life change of the 2-year-old who smokes 40 cigarettes a day

Do you remember Ardi Rizal, the 2-year-old boy, in 2010, who was smoking 40 cigarettes a day? Here is his transformation of quitting smoking.

In 2010, a YouTube video of an Indonesian toddler allegedly smoking 40 cigarettes a day shocked health experts. Ardi Rizal of South Sumatra, now twelve years old, has since been weaned off cigarettes with the Indonesian government’s help.

Public outrage forced the parents to seek help finally. The Indonesian government has included Ardi in its rehabilitation program. As expected, it wasn’t easy.

He developed a taste for food, while his craving for cigarettes decreased. At the age of 5, he was morbidly obese, and further treatment was prescribed.

With the years of help, Ardi became healthy, and his addiction no longer exists. He has given up his old habits and can now be a child again.

Now in primary school, he has become a star pupil in his cohort.

Below is a photo of his transformation

Life change of the 2-year-old who smokes 40 cigarettes a day
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