Looking for a job through social media: 3 tips to get it

Social media expands how to connect with companies interested in our professional profile now or in the future. Finding work increasingly means looking for opportunities through a continuous dialogue with contacts scattered throughout the world of web 2.0. In summary, if used in the right way, social media dramatically increases our chances of finding work.

To this end, it is necessary to free oneself from the playful use that is often made of them and look at them as real tools for self-promotion and job search. Here are some fundamental guidelines to follow to find work through social media networking.

Looking for a job through social media: 3 tips to get it

Beyond company sites, job search sites, and applications that allow you to find professional opportunities in a practical and fast way, knowing how to use Social Media in the best way also means having an extra channel available to find work, apply for possible proposals, and get to know future employers better.

However, the profiles on Social have built a small table or must represent your people as best we can. Furthermore, if used well, social media can be a valuable aid to attract attention effectively by conveying only what you want others to know, with a view to a coherent and detailed digital reputation.

Create an effective LinkedIn profile

If you want to find work and are not using LinkedIn properly, you are missing out on a big opportunity. LinkedIn is the largest professional social media site used daily by businesses and people looking to find work.

However, having an incomplete or insufficiently curated profile is useless. Here are the tips for having an effective LinkedIn profile that allows you to find work.

Relate to the potential employer

You would never dream of stopping a person you just met and asking if they know of possible job opportunities, right? The same must be done online.

Writing to a person directly requesting information on potential professional opportunities is certainly not appropriate and indelicate. Better to follow some precautions such as those shown below.

Take care of your digital reputation

93% of employers use social media to decide whether or not to hire a particular person. The online reputation check is now a custom for companies that want to evaluate the “informal” aspects of a candidate. Remember that your private photos can always pop up when you are searched on Google despite your privacy settings.

A photo that portrays you in some inappropriate attitude could cost you the chance to find work. So, to “clean up” your online image, use a guide like the digital footprint that will allow you to improve your online reputation greatly.

Eliminate possible compromising photos from all your social networks: like Facebook, Instagram, etc. Also, delete your profile from flirting sites and make sure that, when searched on google, your name can only show the image of a professional and serious person.

All you have to do is follow these directions to see your chances of finding work increase in a short time.

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