Apply? This is how you do good research into company you want to work for

This is important: prepare yourself as best you can for a possible new job. You should already do this when writing a cover letter, but it is also nice to know a few things about a company during an interview. Doing good research into a company can make all the difference whether you get the job or not.
You don’t have to research everything down to the last detail, but it’s not nice to be overwhelmed by new facts during the job interview. You want to show your potential employer that you put time into the conversation and want the job.
Research on the company
You research the company to determine what kind of work is done there, what is expected of the employees, what the company culture is, and much more. It is not only important for the employer to know that you have paid attention to these things, but it is also just nice for yourself.
Read about the company on their website
This is the first step: take a good look at its website and read through it. In this way, you automatically become more familiar with the company’s products, the brand, and employees. After this, you know exactly where you stand.
Check out the company’s social media channels
How do you become more familiar with the company culture? By looking up the company on social media. Here you can read whether you are dealing with a hip young company with a good social presence. Is a company barely present on social media? Then the company culture may be less young and hip.
Search for news
Also a good idea: scour the internet for news about the company. This way, you find out whether the company is somewhat transparent to the media and is ethical. Who knows, you might discover things that you like less or things that make you appreciate the company more.
Connect with potential colleagues
Have you already made an appointment for a job interview? Get in touch with a few potential colleagues on LinkedIn. For example, the people you have had email contact with or the person you have the conversation with. This way, you can see what you have in common and what the company culture is.
Look at the competition
Employers are usually quite impressed if you know more about what is going on in the field, who else plays a role in it, and who are aware of the latest developments. That way, they know for sure that you take the job seriously.