Man sells car to pay for expensive dog surgery: “Losing him was not an option”

An American man has proven that he would do a lot to save his dog. When Gemini bite and swallowed the top of a porridge bottle while playing, he became very ill. An expensive operation was needed, but his owner Randy Etter did not have the necessary money. He promptly put his car up for sale.
Randy and Gemini have been inseparable since the dog was just a puppy. But when the animal played with Randy’s girlfriend’s daughter last month, things went wrong. The girl, without Randy noticing, always threw her porridge bottle from her box through the room where the dog brought them back. At a certain point, however, he bit the top of the bottle and swallowed it. Nobody realized anything until the dog suddenly became very ill.
Less energetic
“He became less and less energetic and that seemed strange to me,” the man tells The Dodo magazine. “He lay next to me all the time and followed me everywhere. As if he asked me to help him.”
When Gemini started vomiting uncontrollably, Randy suddenly became very worried and hurried to the vet. However, he did not immediately know what was going on. Randy drove from vet to vet, until someone finally discovered that something was stuck in the dog’s belly and that he would need surgery. That would cost 4,500 dollars. And Randy didn’t have that money. He immediately decided to sell his car.
“Losing Gemini was not an option,” he says. “I’d be devastated if I had to hand over my best friend. It was really one of the creepiest things I ever experienced.”
In the end, it didn’t come that far. A friend lent him almost half the amount and a local charity also came to his aid. The SOAR Initiative managed to raise 2,600 euros, including via the internet.
Gemini got his surgery and it went very well. He is now fully recovering, and it looks like he will be fine. And Randy, he is incredibly grateful to everyone.