Mysterious envelopes with money set the Spanish village

In the village of Villarramiel, in the northeast of Spain, fifteen residents have found an envelope with money in their letterbox. The residents are puzzled about the mysterious envelopes.
“For a week now, the generous but unknown donor, handing out envelopes with 50, 70 and even 100 euros, has been talking about in the village with around 800 residents,” says Mayor Nuria Simon. “We are perplexed and remain expectant because we do not know where that money comes from or who the donor is.”

Some residents received the money in a brown envelope, others received personalized envelopes with their name, address, messages like “princess of the house” and drawings of hearts. Among others, a widow who lives with her single son, families with children or older couples are among the lucky “winners,” according to the mayor.
Some have gone to the bank or a police station to have the banknotes checked, and they prove to be real. The police did not start an investigation because no crime was committed.