Nakira (24) murder her son (2) because he wouldn’t eat

The 24-year-old Nakira Griner, a single mother from the US state of New Jersey, will soon have to stand before a jury for the murder of her 2-year-old son Daniel. Nakira Griner called the police on Friday night and said that an unknown man had taken her child. Detectives went in search of the missing boy, but quickly discovered the sinister truth behind the story of the young mother.

“Shortly after 6.30 pm we received a phone call from Nakira Griner on Friday. She said her son Daniel had been kidnapped,” it sounds at the Bridgeton City Police Department. After the announcement of the Nakira, a research team immediately went on site and combed the neighbourhood with dogs. The Mother Griner cried violently according to the agents and constantly called the name of her child.

The search ended Saturday around 3 am, when a few detectives found the mortal remains of the Daniel, 2-year-old boy in the garden of Nakira Griner. The officers arrested the American, who during the interrogation confessed that the abduction was a big lie. In this way she wanted to mask that she had killed her child.

Made up kidnapping

Nakira Griner told the officers Friday night that an unknown man took Daniel during a walk. “He pushed me to the ground. I had pain in my head and could barely move. Eventually I could still stand up and saw that the buggy was empty. There was no trace left from Daniel,” the young mother lied.

A few blocks away, investigators found a pram, which – as it appeared after interrogation – Nakira left there to make the abduction seem credible.

Nakira (24) murder her son (2) because he wouldn't eat
The little Daniel

Griner went to say Friday night through the ribbon “because Daniel did not want to eat”. Whatever she did, the boy stubbornly refused. “He simply did not listen. I lost control and gave him several punches,” said Nakira Griner, the mother of 2-year-old boy. The young mother hit her son so hard that he eventually died. When she determined that he no longer breathed, she cut his body to pieces and put the body parts in plastic bags, which they buried in various places in the garden.

The single mother of deceased Daniel, will soon have to answer for a jury for the murder of her son. In anticipation of the process, the American woman remains in the cell. She risks a lifelong prison sentence.


The neighbourhood reacts very excited to the news. “I knew Griner as an honest woman”, says neighbour Crystal Castillo to the local news channel WCAU. The woman had reportedly not seen the little boy for more than a month, but was not worried. Nakira Griner was known in the neighborhood as a good mother who did everything for her son.

“It is a tragic event,” says Albert B. Kelly, the mayor of Bridgeton. “You read about all kinds of gruesome murders in the newspaper, but you do not expect it to happen here in such a peaceful neighbourhood.”

Daniel’s father, from whom Griner divorced last year, did not want to respond. A friend of the man said he is in shock.

Nakira (24) murder her son (2) because he wouldn't eat
©Bridgeton – Police Department of Nakira Griner

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