New hurricane threatens Mexico and United States

The tropical storm Delta has become a hurricane in the Caribbean. It will gain momentum during its passage across the Mexican peninsula of Yucatan on Tuesday. It will arrive in the south of the United States later this week.

Delta is located southwest of Jamaica with sustained wind speeds of 130 kilometers per hour, and with gusts of wind that could be even stronger.

The hurricane is moving towards the American coast on the Gulf of Mexico at a speed of 11 kilometers per hour, reports the American Hurricane Centre NHC.

“Great intensity”

“We anticipate that Delta will be a high-intensity hurricane as it approaches the Yucatan peninsula,” the NHC said. These are hurricanes of categories 3 to 5 on a scale of 5.

The northern part of the Yucatan peninsula will experience dangerous conditions for the next 36 hours, according to the NHC.

The eye of the hurricane will approach northeast Yucatan on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. Early Wednesday morning, Delta will arrive in the Gulf of Mexico. Thursday evening and Friday morning, Delta will reach the south of the US at an undetermined point in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, or Alabama.

Delta is already the 26th named storm during a busy hurricane season, breaking some records. The provided list of names has already been exhausted, so meteorologists identify them using the Greek alphabet.

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