New job? Don’t do this on your first day

Good, you’re hired. Great, but now you still have to deal with your new colleagues. The first day at your new job can therefore be agitated. There’s probably nothing to worry about, but here’s one thing you should leave out on your first day.

New job? Do not do this

Of course, you have prepared well for your first day, but you never really know what to expect until you get there. To make it a little more relaxed for yourself, you can resolve one thing for yourself: try not to talk too much about yourself.

Many people get word vomit when they are nervous, which causes them to talk a lot about themselves. Know that this isn’t necessary. You can use the first day at your new job to learn as much as possible about your colleagues.

Dare to ask questions

It’s effortless to talk about your work experience or plans when you start somewhere new. Too bad, because your colleagues don’t know anything about you yet, so they can experience your chatter as annoying. Instead, try asking your colleagues about their roles within the company. It is important to remember that you ask questions to listen, not to answer. Of course, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk about yourself at all, but try to find a balance.

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