New study confirms: “Children spread little or no coronavirus”

Schoolchildren don’t transfer Covid-19 much, if at all, to peers or teachers. This is clear from a new study by the Institute Pasteur in Paris.
The researchers examined a total of 1,340 people, including 510 pupils from six primary schools, in the Paris city of Crepy-en-Valois, where the virus was particularly active in February and March. They were thoroughly screened after they had tested positive or had come into contact with people who had contracted Covid-19.
The initial results of the study indicate that children exhibit less severe symptoms than adults and, in particular, are less contagious. The scientists conclude that it is likely that the parents will infect their children and not the other way around.
The study found that 41 percent of infected children had little to no symptoms of Covid-19, compared to only 10 percent in adults.
Lack of clarity
Previously, there was a lot of uncertainty about how contagious children were. After all, some studies showed that they were indeed contagious and could easily pass on the virus. Other scientists, on the other hand, had conflicting opinions and estimated that the risk was rather low to very low.
“In any case, more research is needed in schools to come to a conclusive conclusion,” says epidemiologist Arnaud Fontanet of the Pasteur Institute.