He predict Covid-19: This prediction of ‘The Simpsons’ for 2021..

A virus that originated in Asia and soon spread around the world, who could have foreseen it? Well, the makers of ‘The Simpsons’ apparently, 27 years ago already. And they have even more correct predictions to their name. We can only hope that their vision for 2021 will not become a reality.
Mike Reiss, who worked as showrunner on the episode ‘Marge In Chains’, shared a remarkable message via Twitter. “The whole ‘The Simpsons predicted it’ thing is stupid, but ‘The Simpsons’ did predict it,” he wrote in an excerpt from the episode.
It showed how the ‘Osaka flu’ spread from Asia to the US and eventually the world. Then, of course, mass hysteria breaks out. Eerily similar to the corona pandemic that now rages the world.

In addition, ‘The Simpsons’ also predicted the end of ‘Game Of Thrones’, and the fact that Donald Trump would become president of the United States.
If that trend continues, things will not look good for us. The program makers do not bode well for the year 2021. On the contrary. A real apocalypse would be imminent. In November last year, ‘The Simpsons’ in the episode’ Treehouse of Horror XXXI’ brought a grim picture of what 2021 could mean.
Homer forgets to vote, wondering, “Well, how bad can it be?” At that moment, we get to see a flash-forward of the year 2021, in which all houses have been burned down, people wander in the streets injured, and the four horsemen of the apocalypse are on their way.
In addition, the government is using an army of bloodthirsty robots to keep the population under control. “That’s what I deserved because I voted for Kanye West,” we hear an old man shout.
So we can only hope that they are wrong this time.