New study proves SARS-CoV-2 comes from the laboratory

After studying 26 facts in search of the origin of the new coronavirus, the American researcher Steven Quay concluded: “that there [is] no reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 has [had] escaped from” a laboratory “with a probability of 99.8% and that it was not a natural zoonosis”.

An article published on January 29 by Dr. Steven Quay concluded with a 99.8% probability that the virus causing Covid-19 came from a laboratory, reports Associated Press referring to the scientist’s study published on Zenodo, a general open access repository managed by CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research).

This research aimed to determine the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

More than 20 facts studied

In order to find the origin of the virus, 26 different and independent facts and evidence were systematically examined. The conclusion is that with a 99.8% probability that SARS-CoV-2 came from a laboratory and only 0.2% probability that it is a natural zoonosis.

“Like many others, I am concerned about what appear to be significant conflicts of interest among WHO staff and scientists and doctors in China and how this will prevent an impartial examination of the origin of SARS. -CoV-2,” the scientist said.

It was clarified that in the case of other viruses that had plagued humanity in the past, scientists spent four months to find that one was from a civet, a carnivore close to the mongoose, and nine months in 2015 to understand the origin of MERS (the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus), which originated from a dromedary. However, 13 months have already passed, and researchers do not know where the new coronavirus came from, Steven Quay recapitulated in a video presenting his research.

“Taking only publicly available scientific evidence on SARS-CoV-2 and using very conservative estimates in my analysis; however, I conclude that there is no reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 escaped from a laboratory,” concluded the researcher.

The article, which is 193 pages long, can be downloaded from Zenodo. Steven Quay is the author of many other studies, owns 87 US patents, and has invented seven pharmaceutical products approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Additionally, he’s authored a book called Stay Healthy: A Doctor’s Guide to Coronavirus Survival.

China denies the provenance of a laboratory

Previously, some researchers had already questioned the responsibility of the Wuhan laboratory. Donald Trump has also advanced this theory. However, China has always denied such accusations.

On January 23, the WHO fact-finding mission in China arrived in the country to determine the origin of Covid-19, just a year after the announcement of Wuhan’s containment.

Sharing the study

In an effort to find the origin of this virus and obtain comments on the article, a copy of this document has been sent to WHO researchers currently in Wuhan, scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and other eminent virologists.

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