Ocean Cleanup makes sunglasses from ocean plastic

Plastic that floated in the Pacific last year has been transformed into sunglasses. Ocean Cleanup, a Dutch project that wants to clean the oceans, is going to sell it to people who are committed to the cause. Such sunglasses cost 199 euros. The proceeds are used to pay for new cleaning campaigns in the oceans.

The Ocean Cleanup is an idea of the Dutchman Boyan Slat. His team has developed a plastic catcher, a 600-meter long C-shaped sweeper arm that floats across the Pacific Ocean and sweeps up plastic for scooping and disposal.

In 2018, the arm left for a trial run to the Pacific. After some adjustments, the arm really got to work last year. The first swept plastic was brought ashore in December 2019. The sunglasses were made from that waste.

Ocean Cleanup makes sunglasses from ocean plastic
©AP – The garbage is removed from the ocean

The work area of the sweeping arm is the so-called Great Pacific Garbage Patch. That’s a plastic soup that is located between Hawaii and California. The floating landfill consists of about 1,800 billion pieces of waste and is about three times the size of France in total. The waste is dangerous to animals in the ocean.

The Ocean Cleanup hopes to be able to sell more litter products in the future.

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