The opposition calls for a day “Togo dead” on June 18

Several weeks of lull in Lome, the marches of the opposition do not mobilize anymore, the dialogue is at half-mast and, to continue putting pressure, the coalition changes of method by calling for a “dead Togo” on June 18th.

The latest calls for demonstrations from the coalition did not mobilize protesters in the streets. According to coalition officials, this is due to the large deployment of security and defense forces on the streets and at the rallying points of the protesters.

This time the coalition calls its supporters to protest by staying a whole day at home. It will be next Monday, to express their disagreements with the systematic repression of the exercise of the constitutional right to protest.

“There are people when we launch demonstrations, who are afraid to go out, afraid of repression,” said Paul Dodji Apévon.

“The “Togo Mort” operation that we are launching is to ask the Togolese not to go out. They are asked to stay at home because you do not go out on the street to be repressed.”

No news from the facilitators since the last mission of the Economic Community of West African States on June 2nd. The delegation led by the chairman of the commission, Kassi Jean-Claude Brou, should forward a draft roadmap to presidents Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana and Alpha Condé of Guinea, all facilitators designated by ECOWAS for a way out of crisis.

For Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson, the opposition coalition is working to ensure that the recommendations of the ECOWAS are closer to the aspirations of Togolese.

“What we have to do is do our job and our job is to continue to defend the aspirations of the Togolese people. This is our goal.”

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