Top 10 richest men in Togo

Togo, a West African country situated in the Gulf of Guinea. It is a country with a lot of wealthy men. Below are the overview of the ten richest men in Togo.

Togolese wealthy men have invested in promising sectors such as construction, real estate, telecommunications, and trade and politicians to acquire significant financial profits. These are the top 10 richest men in the land of Sparrowhawks.

Top 10 richest men in Togo

1. Meba Essohouna Germain

Meba Essohouna Germain
Meba Essohouna Germain – ©Togo First

He is one of the most influential businessmen in the country as the CEO of the IT company Cib-Inta and the president of the Togo Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIT).

His company is the Internet service provider for Togo Telecom, a public telecommunications company.

2. Koffi Gbondjidè Gervais Djondo

Koffi Gbondjidè Gervais Djondo
Koffi Gbondjidè Gervais Djondo – ©African Top success

He is a Togolese entrepreneur who has received several international awards. He is the co-founder and previous chairman of Ecobank. He is also the founder and present president of ASKY Airlines. With its multiple companies.

3. Faure Gnassingbé

Faure Gnassingbé
Faure Gnassingbé – ©DW

He has been the current president of the Republic since 2005, after having succeeded his father. Before coming to power, he was Minister of Equipment, Mines, Posts, and Telecommunications. To date, his fortune is estimated at 8000 billion FCFA or 8 times the current annual national budget of the country.

4. Gilchrist Olympio

 Gilchrist Olympio
Gilchrist Olympio – ©RFI

He was a former senior official at the UN and IMF, businessman, and politician who was an opponent of Gnassingbé Eyadema’s regime with his UFC political party.

Gilchrist is the CEO of SIA Auto, a Volkswagen brand dealership that he opened with Germans. At the same time, he teamed up forces with the French to create Construction Métallique Tropical, a foundry.

He also owns Abosso Glass, a hollow glass manufacturing plant that supplies breweries with bottles.

5. Ghislain Awaga

Ghislain Awaga
Ghislain Awaga – ©Togoweb

This young man has a fortune that many people around him find hard to imagine, despite his young age. At 16, he was pushed into the public service; little Ghislain was far too smart to be content with the school


In the operations of purchases and sales carried out on the financial markets, the young person evolves by being very curious but also reckless. He is now the head of the G&F Corporation and the first certified international trading school in Togo.

With his fortune estimated at around US $ 13 million, he owns an extensive investment portfolio, with large clients ranging from business people to government officials in his country, not to mention that he advises and coaches certain bankers in the field of trading.

6. Jean-Pierre Fabre

Jean-Pierre Fabre
Jean-Pierre Fabre – ©Twitter

He is the president of the main Togolese opposition party, ANC (National Alliance for Change). For years, he was the secretary-general of the UFC (Union of the Forces for Change) and president of the UFC parliamentary group in the National Assembly.

7. Komi Sélom Klassou

Komi Sélom Klassou
Komi Sélom Klassou – ©Punch Newspaper

Komi Selom Klassou is a Togolese politician who was Prime Minister of Togo from 2015 to 2020. A few years earlier (from 2000 to 2003, he was Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports. From 2003 to 2007, he was Minister of Primary and Secondary Education and First Vice-President of the National Assembly (2007-2015).

8. Kpatcha Gnassingbé

Kpatcha Gnassingbé
Kpatcha Gnassingbé – ©DW

He is also a Togolese politician, son of General Gnassingbé Eyadema, President of the Togolese Republic, from 1967 to 2005. Kpatcha Gnassingbé was Minister of Defense (2005-2007) before being arrested in 2009 for a coup attempt.

9. Joseph Kokou Koffigoh

Joseph Kokou Koffigoh
Joseph Kokou Koffigoh – ©Afrique Sur 7

He is a Togolese politician who was elected Prime Minister by the opposition-dominated National Conference in 1991. He has been tasked with supervising the transition to multiparty elections. Finally, the opposition will abandon it, who felt that the latter had become too cooperative with the late Eyadema.

10. Yawovi Madji Agboyibo

Yawovi Madji Agboyibo
Yawovi Madji Agboyibo – ©Jeune Afrique

Yawovi Madji Agboyibo is a Togolese politician. He was prime minister from September 2006 to December 2007 and was national president of the Action Committee for Renewal (CAR), an opposition political party, from 1991 to 2008.

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