Overcoming the touch barrier with a girl you like

The touch barrier is an invisible trait that forces you to abandon physical interaction and limit yourself to talking to a girl. It can be difficult to overcome, and you don’t always know when it’s worth doing it.
But still, you can learn to overcome this barrier in such a way that you do not push the girl away but, on the contrary, improve your relationship with her and take it to a new level. And here’s how to do it. The barrier of touching is overcome by men who can inspire trust and a sense of security. Here are a few things you can do to achieve this.
10 Ways on how to overcome the touch barrier
1. Don’t rush the interaction
There is no need to rush when it comes to the touch barrier. If you have just met or recently met a girl, you should not meet her with open arms or try touching her. First, it looks very intrusive and makes her feel anxious. Second, you probably don’t like getting into awkward situations and getting rejected by women.
2. So be patient and wait for the interaction

Let the girl get to know you better and understand how she feels about you. Of course, you shouldn’t pull too hard if you don’t want to end up on the bench. You can understand that a girl is ready to be touched by you by her behavior.
If she tries to sit as close to you as possible, walks almost brushing her hand against yours, or touches you softly herself, then it’s time to act. But if a girl keeps her distance and does not desire to change the situation, it is worth refraining from touching for a while. Maybe she’s not ready for them or doesn’t understand if she likes you.
3. Watch your behavior
You lose all chances with a girl if you scare her, so it’s important to watch what you say and how you behave. For example, she is unlikely to find your jokes with sexual overtones or vulgar hints funny. And most women also do not like it when men behave like “macho,” which does not correspond at all to an adequate concept of masculinity.
4. Be sure

It’s easy for girls to feel safe around confident guys. But those who are constantly worried or nervous are afraid. It’s simple: if a guy behaves on pins and needles, it immediately seems he has something to hide. But even if you’re nervous, there are several ways to look confident — we’ve talked about them here.
5. Show a little vulnerability
When you need to interact with a girl, you must show that you are the same person as her. He is not a superhero, not the perfect gentleman from the book, but someone who also experiences feelings and emotions Not a superhero, not the perfect gentleman from the book, but someone who also experiences feelings and emotions, and has his weaknesses.
Tell her about the most precious and pleasant memories of when you were a child and were happy to wait for New Year’s gifts. Showing some vulnerability builds trust and is reflected in the mind of the person you are talking to. A girl can find a piece of her feelings in what you say, making her feel closer to you.
6. Listen to her

You should not make the mistake of constantly acting as a speaker to impress a girl. You must speak for yourself and listen to her so she trusts you. She may be the first to break the barrier of touch when she notices that you are attentive to her words and remember what she has mentioned.
7. Be yourself
Don’t try to appear to be someone you’re not really. It may work at the first meeting, but it will have an unpleasant effect in the long run. Firstly, pretending to be someone else for a long time is exhausting. Secondly, your nature will break through the mask you put on sooner or later. And this will make the girl move away, as it will undermine the trust that you tried to build.
To break the barrier of touch and enter a relationship with a girl, be who you are. Show honesty and kindness, and do not embellish achievements or merits. Believe me, if a girl is interested in you, she will accept you with all the flaws and oddities.
8. Flirt

Flirting in overcoming the barrier of touch should not be underestimated. He must create some longing in the girl’s mind so she wants at least the slightest physical contact with you. Don’t be afraid to flirt; carefully “probing” different directions and interests. Be brave enough to say nice things from the heart and without hesitation.
9. Start small
Start small if you don’t want to push the girl away and doom the date to failure. You can easily touch her hand when you move a cup of coffee towards her or ask if you can fix her stray curl.
If she allows you to do this, you can move on to an unobtrusive hug when you meet. Be sure to tell her, “Cuddling with you is so great; I’d like to do it more often.” Such a phrase will make a girl feel you appreciate her and are serious about it.
10. To go as far as she will allow you

Explore the barrier of touch and try to push it away. After the girl has “given the go-ahead” to hold her hand and hug her, go as far as she will allow you. You have to feel when you need to try. For example, if a girl looks into your eyes for a long time and moves closer, you can try to kiss her.