Oxymoron: “I do not eat cow because I like cows”

“When I see a cow, I stop, I look at it and I salivate” – Gerard Depardieu.
To love cows is also to love (raise and eat) the cow. One does not go without the other. Chronicle of common sense.
If you want to eat a cow, you have to kill it. People who love cows do not want to be killed. To avoid being killed, they do not eat cow. Which seems simple and logical.
The word love is ambiguous. He said I like the people as they say I like chicken. I do not know who the quote is anymore. The English have different terms for the live animal and the one that is eaten that is meat source (pig/pork, sheep/mutton). French plays on the singular or the plural of the definite article.
“I like the cow” is a gastronomic statement. I like cows is a declaration of love for the bovine species. I like chicken means that I like it on my plate, I like to eat it. When I say I do not like chicken, it is obviously not zoological species that I speak but roast chicken. But the term “beef” means butchery meat of male castrated or neutered cattle, cow, young cattle, and so on. The border is tenuous.
The cows were created by humans somewhere in Turkey 10,000 years ago to provide meat without relying on hunting, which allowed sedentarization and agriculture. The breeding allowed, before the invention of the fridge, to store the meat and freed the stockman from the obligation to consume it immediately after slaughter.
A cow is the source of three productions: calves, milk and, after death, meat, except Indian cows that are sacred and die of old age. A cow makes a calf a year from the age of three. It is calving (birth of the calf) that triggers lactation. There is no production of milk without the annual birth of a calf.
There are 272 million dairy cows in the world each year that make a calf.
If we decide that we like cows (horned animals and hooves, not meat) and therefore refuse to eat meat, we do not kill cows anymore. Every year there will be as many calves as there are dairy cows. The cows are accused by climate activists of producing 18% of greenhouse gases, a figure reduced to 14%, although according to the latest figures it is finally only 4 to 5%. All depending on the terms of the comparison. But if we do not eat calves and cows, it is obvious that the planet will be quickly covered with cows (272 million more per year). Then, these cows will graze, graze, till no grass to graze again.
Newborns could be euthanized or birth control, or concentration camps. It is obvious that the situation is dead and that the only solution is to eat cows and calves. In any case, not to eat meat is to condemn the species of calves, cows, pigs, broods, which man has selected for his consumption since humanity exists. To refuse to consume them is obviously to program the end of the cows. These animals “we love”.
No longer eating meat is the end of cows. Who will raise cows if you can not get calves, milk, meat? A cow can not live independently of the man. It must be fed, watered, milked if it is a dairy. If they are released into the wild, the cows will last 20 years after which they will each have 15 or 20 calves which in turn will make calves. The apocalypse!
You can do without meat and become all vegan (it will not be without consequences). But then there will be a dramatic problem with milk. Cows are basically raised for their milk. In particular, milk is the raw material of infant milk, totally irreplaceable in the current state of affairs.
Obviously, vegan ecology boosts their conscience by replacing cow’s milk with juice/almond milk (no saturated fat, no lactose, no gluten, less protein, etc.). But cows produce 800 million tons of milk a year. We imagine 800 million tons of almond juice to be shipped all over the world to replace cow’s milk. This would be the end of the scandalous exploitation of cows for their milk… and the beginning of the (starving) death of babies.
Bill Gates says he wants to develop a supercow against malnutrition in Africa
It is interesting to note that for Bill Gates, the fight against undernutrition in Africa goes through cattle breeding and that it subsidizes the adaptation of cows to the African climate. Imagine a supercow able to produce more milk and withstand the heat. This project is the new challenge of Bill Gates.

The businessman invests in selective breeding techniques to obtain animals more adapted to global warming and able to produce more milk. For example by selecting embryos that have characteristics adapted to a particular environment.
These are not genetically modified cows, unlike the project conducted since 2017 by geneticists from the University of Florida Institute of Agri-Food Sciences. The US billionaire has signed a check for $40 million to the Global Alliance for Medicines for Cattle (GALVmed). This non-governmental organization, based in Scotland, is conducting research to make vaccines more accessible. In Africa, famine affects nearly 20 million people, according to a UN estimate.
So for the sake of the planet and food-oriented pets, you have to eat meat, as much meat as you can. If we do not eat it, the cow species will be nothing more than an uncontrolled and devastating parasite that humanity will be forced to eliminate quickly. For our health and that of cows, to be able to benefit from milk, we must continue to breed cattle and control their population by consuming them.
This is what is happening at the global level. In 1957, meat production amounted to 67 million tons. It now stands at 320 million tonnes – mainly pork and poultry. FAO predicts that this figure will reach 460 million tonnes in 2050. And it is a healthy response for the future of humanity.