From Rihanna to pink: stars furious about American abortion law

The new, extremely strict abortion law that was approved in the US state of Alabama arouses anger and disgust at many female American stars. Rihanna, Pink and Reese Witherspoon, among others, have already spoken out against the decision in no uncertain terms.

The new law states that virtually all abortions are banned and that no exception is made for women who have been raped or are victims of incest. Only when a woman’s health is in serious danger can an abortion be performed.

A lot of stars can now be heard via social media. For example, Rihanna posted a photo of the people – all white men – who voted for the law with the text: “take a look. these are the idiots making decisions for WOMEN in America. Governor Kay Ivey… SHAME ON YOU!!!” Kay is the one who finally signed the law, even a woman.

From Rihanna to pink: stars furious about American abortion law

Pink is also furious and writes: “Governor Kay Ivey has signed the most extreme abortion ban. This is not a coincidence, it is part of an attempt to ban abortion in its entirety. It is not only an attack on women in Alabama but on anyone who could become pregnant. There are no exceptions for incest or assault cases that endanger the lives of women. Doctors can go to jail if they provide care and 25 white men voted in favor of this law, while it concerns the health and rights of women.” In an earlier post, she also made a comparison with “The Handmaids Tale”: “But this is real life.”

Reese Witherspoon says on Twitter: “I’m beyond upset about the passing of new abortion bans in Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Georgia, and Ohio. This is Unconstitutional and Abhorrent. We can not tolerate this attack on women’s fundamental rights.”

Lady Gaga finds the law disgusting. “So there is a higher penalty for the doctors who perform an abortion than for most rapists? This is a tragedy and I pray for all women and young girls who will suffer from”


In her own talk show ‘Busy Tonight’, actress Busy Philipps frankly explained about the abortion she had herself performed at the age of fifteen. She also immediately launched a hashtag and called on others to share their own story. “One in four women has had an abortion. Many people think they don’t know anyone, but you know me (you know me, ed.),”Confesses Philipps. The hashtag #youknowme immediately went viral on Twitter. Thousands of women now share their abortion story in the hope of breaking the taboo around it.

A few stars also talked about their own abortion story. Actress Jameela Jamil announced that she had the procedure performed when she was young and that it was “the best decision she ever made.” “Both for myself and for the baby that I didn’t want. I was not emotionally, psychologically and financially ready. So many children will end up in foster homes, so many children will see their lives ruined as a result. It is so cruel.”

Actress Minka Kelly was also very young when she had an abortion performed. “If we – two people who were too young and ill-prepared – had given birth to a child without the help of family or help, the child would have known a world of unnecessary struggle. It would only have continued the circle of poverty, chaos and dysfunctional relationships.”

Mila Jovovich does not like to interfere in political discussions but does it exceptionally. She herself underwent an abortion out of necessity when she had birth pains halfway through her pregnancy two years ago. “I had to stay awake all the time and it was one of the most horrible experiences I had. I was alone and helpless. And when I think of the many girls who will undergo an abortion in even worse circumstances, because it has become illegal under this new law, my stomach turns. No woman wants an abortion, but we have to fight for our rights in order to get one, in safe conditions.”

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