Senegal: Launch of Masters in Child Health and Survival

The Guediawaye Institute of Social Paediatrics has just launched the Master’s degree in Child Health and Survival. According to the director of the institute, this is an innovation that will help reduce child mortality.

“It’s about making the Institute of Social Paediatrics (IPS) a hub for the West African sub-region on its fields of intervention in pediatrics. This master, which does not yet exist in the sub-region, is an innovation and can contribute to the reduction of child mortality “.

This two-year master’s program was launched on Wednesday, in partnership with the African Centre for Mother-Child Excellence.

For better management of health and the child.

Thus, it advocates the acquisition of “essential skills intended to enable the learner to identify problems of health and survival of the child in a community of a developing country”.

In this sense, the objective is “to implement the most appropriate strategies and actions for the resolution of the identified health problem, to take care of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of priority diseases of the child living in a developing country”.

This master is for medical students, health professionals, specifically nurses, and midwives.
It also targets workers in hospitals operating in the field of health.

“Paediatricians practicing in our country for decades will be a very insufficient number. So, midwives and nurses trained in the field of child health and survival can be a credible alternative for solving children’s health problems in Senegal and the sub-region.”

This master will thus improve the health of the mother and child but also strengthen the training offer of health professionals.

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