Shocking: Rudolph ‘Blaze’ Ingram Jr. (7) in action

Do you know Rudolph ‘Blaze’ Ingram Jr. already? The 7-year-old American is a hype on the social networking site Instagram. Ingram seems to overclass peers in every possible sport.
Tip: surf at a free moment to the Instagram account (blaze_813) of Rudolph Ingram Jr. (…) 268,000 regular followers already do that on a regular basis. The impressive sports videos of the young boy can no longer be counted on two hands. Running competitions that win the 7-year-old Rudolph with his fingers in the nose, an American Football match in which he dribbles his opponents as if they are cones or training sessions where he pours himself off on the beach: they are all matters that pass by. Result of the latter: a set of steel abdominal muscles that even Romelu Lukaku will be impressed by.
Well-known fans even have the youngster from Tampa Bay (Florida). A few months ago, NBA legend LeBron James did not hide his admiration when a short film of ‘Blaze’ crossed his timeline. James was impressed by the acceleration that Ingram had already had at his young age, but now – a few months later – It all seems even more impressive. The latest video (see above) posted on the small American’s Instagram account spreads like a wildfire on the internet.
The video shows how Ingram participates in the 60m and 100m during a meeting of the American Athletic Union in Florida. And the battle with his peers is not exciting. According to the administrator of the popular Instagram account (Papa Rudolph Ingram Sr., ed.), The boy finished his sprint of 100 meters in 13.48 seconds. With that, he did about one and a half seconds better than in August 2018, when Ingram recorded his previous record.
Ingram plays American Football in a team at the Tampa Ravens and according to his coach Jimmy Watson the little boy is a unique talent. “I have never seen anything like this”, Watson said at Youth1. “He is so fast. One moment he goes one way and if you blink your eyes, he is already sprinting in the other direction. His acceleration and excitement are unseen, a miracle of nature.” Ingram’s father realized three years ago that his son was “special”. “After LeBron James responded to our video on Instagram, 100,000 followers were added in no time. I think it’s great that my son goes viral.”