“Short not allowed”, he wears a skirt to work

At work, there had been a discussion about wearing shorts for a long time. When it was still not allowed last week, with temperatures above 30 degrees, Dutchman Pim (21) decided to wear a skirt to solve it differently. Thus his goal of changing the clothing advice is probably achieved.
Yesterday morning, Pim appeared in a skirt at the office – which office is, he’d rather not say, but that it’s in Hilversum. It was not unexpected, because he called on Twitter last week to send him a skirt he could wear. But that he actually appeared in a skirt at work was not expected by many. His action leads to a lot of praise. “Hero I’m called, people think it’s very brave,” he says with a wink.
When it was tropical warm last week, he visited the HR department asking why men’s shorts are actually forbidden. “They told me that you can’t look representative in shorts. And in a skirt, right?, I asked. Because then you also have bare legs, right?” A skirt was indeed possible, he was told. “I saw that as an opportunity. I tweeted about it and asked if someone could send me a skirt.”
The additional stimulus was the message from the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs on Twitter earlier this week, which stated that bare legs on the workplace are ‘only allowed if an account is taken of the length of the skirt and the condition of the legs’. Clothing advice in particular shot women down the wrong way.
Pim finally got that skirt, even 3 of them. In the blue version, he walked into the office building yesterday morning. “Laughter of course. Not to laugh at me, but because colleagues were surprised that I had put the deed to the floor.”
The director was also lyrical. “She thought it was great that I had done it. Next week, she will meet with the HR department to discuss the dress code.” He thinks it is ‘a step back in time’ that companies and the ministry use the ideal of beauty not to tolerate certain clothing at work.
“If men feel comfortable in a skirt, that must be possible. And if you have varicose veins too or thick legs.”