Signs of an unhappy relationship

Everyone can be held hostage by an unhappy relationship, and it is not always easy to understand that you are in such a situation. Several warning signs indicate this.

6 signs of an unhappy relationship

1. You quarrel all the time

Disagreements arise from time to time in any relationship. But it happens that quarrels take up most of the time spent with a girl. Daily conflicts are a reason to consider whether you are happy in your relationship.

Quarrels and conflicts of interest make you irritable, depressed, and disappointed. And you can also feel very lonely, even though a girl is beside you.

2. Or not to argue at all about

Peace in a relationship is the level to which you must strive. But only some things are so simple: often, the absence of disagreement signals something is wrong. It’s not uncommon for people to stop sharing their point of view and arguing with each other just when they don’t give a damn about the relationship.

They are there out of habit, not understanding whether they are happy or not. The absence of disagreement can signal that you are stuck in a relationship that does not please you. This means you and the girl have reached an impasse and can no longer communicate effectively.

Instead of compromising and establishing communication, you go with the flow. The absence of disputes is a sign that you are indifferent to each other, which is unpleasant.

3. You no longer engage in the conversations you are used to

You may notice that you no longer want to tell the girl about your day. And she, in turn, does not share with you how she spent the evening with her friend, although she always talked about it before.

The lack of conversations that bring pleasure and unite you as a couple is another sign that the relationship cannot be called happy. You don’t feel the level of intimacy that made you spend hours discussing everyday matters and having heart-to-heart conversations.

They are replaced by silence or short remarks that sound like excuses. Of course, you can try to fix the situation and tell the girl it’s time to establish communication in a relationship. But if your proposal and subsequent efforts do not lead to anything, the best solution would be to break up.

4. The lack of sex

Sex is not a prerequisite for a happy relationship, and there is also no universal frequency with which to engage in intimacy. Visit A F R I N I K . C O M But the big problem that makes people unhappy in a relationship is that sex may not be enough for both partners to be satisfied.

It happens when you and a girl need different amounts of intimacy. Many couples compromise on this issue and find a balance that suits them. However, this cannot be done since there is not enough emotional intimacy in the relationship.

You don’t want each other the way you used to, and you don’t feel that physical intimacy is essential to you. Unfortunately, this is another reason people feel lonely and unhappy in a relationship.

5. You are together but apart

Being with a girl 24 hours a day is impossible, but your separate lives must find common ground. But you exist in parallel with each other and feel you are living your individual lives. You get the experience but don’t bring it into the relationship.

Because of this, it seems that there is nothing to talk about, that you no longer have common interests, and you are separated from each other as if you barely know each other. It’s not anyone’s fault that this is happening. People develop at different rates and disperse because they no longer feel the connection they had before.

6. It’s hard for you to imagine your future together

All relationships go through difficult times: there will always be bumps that can test feelings for strength. But no matter how difficult life may seem, people interested in each other do not lose hope for the best and plan a future together.

When you get stuck in an unhappy relationship, imagining yourself next to a girl in five or ten years becomes difficult. And it also happens that you can imagine something, but only in opposing colors. This is a sign that you may not have a future together.

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