Snow Woman from Abkhazia: story of mysterious Zana, whose descendants live in Caucasus

There are many stories about Bigfoot. Periodically, information appears that someone saw this strange creature. However, there is no evidence that this is actually the case. But one Bigfoot, or rather a woman, actually existed and even gave birth to offspring.
Here is the amazing story of a snow woman from Abkhazia, who lived in the middle of the 19th century in the village of Tkhina.
How the Snow Woman was caught in the Caucasus
The story began around the 60s of the 19th century in the mountains of Abkhazia, when a rich prince began to go hunting. He claimed that he had met a strange creature resembling a huge ape. In those days in Abkhazia, it was believed that a terrible monster was hiding in the mountain caves, which was called Abnauayu (Bigfoot). The hunter was sure that it was him that he had seen. And he gave the order to catch the monster immediately.
The servants thought about how to do this and decided to put trousers in the clearing as bait, which smelled of sweat. The unknown creature pecked and left its shelter. He was tied up and taken to the prince. It turned out to be a woman! The prince decided to give it to a friend, and as a result, Abnauayu ended up in the village of Tkhina, the landowner Genaba. He gave the Snow Woman the name Zana.
She was amazed by her enormous growth, strength, and thick hair all over her body. The woman’s skin was blacker than night. The lower jaw protruded strongly forward. Zana bared her big teeth, protruded her thick lips. Her legs were very long, and her feet were incredible, larger than that of the most powerful man.
Wild Zana, feared by the local population and her love stories
Zana protested against bondage, so much so that she was placed in a cage. Gradually she resigned herself and even became obedient. Instead of a cage, the woman received a house made of twigs at her disposal. As a bed, Zana used a hole she dug herself. After a while, Genaba allowed her to walk around the village and swim in the river. It was not possible to teach Zana to speak. But she was used as a carrier of heavy loads, as well as for simple work.
The villagers were afraid of the snow woman. However, there were those who wanted to enter into an intimate relationship with this creature. They say that Zana had many lovers. According to legend, in order for her to lose her head, Genaba, together with friends, gave the woman wine.
Descendants of the Abkhaz Yeti
Zana had children. Right after giving birth, she carried her first babies to a mountain river, and there she rinsed well in water. The children died. When it became clear, the children born from Zana were taken away. They developed normally and turned into ordinary people who were no different from the locals.
They say that four children of the Snow Woman survived, but there is only information about the youngest son – Khwit. He lived all his life in the village of Tkhina, where he died after the revolution, and was buried next to his mother. Khwit had several children, but only one girl named Raisa is known for sure.

Who is she: a crazy black woman or a Neanderthal woman?
The history of Zana has always been of great interest to scholars. In the 60s of the 20th century, cryptozoologist Boris Porshnev went to Abkhazia. He interviewed old people, finding out information about Zana and her children. Burtsev managed to communicate with Zana’s granddaughter, Khwit’s daughter. She was a simple woman who regularly worked at the local post office. Apart from her negroid features, there was nothing unusual about her.
The history of Zana was also studied by the historian, director of the International Center of Hominology, Igor Burtsev. He tried to find the remains of the snow woman, for which he carried out excavations at the Tkhina cemetery. However, only Khwit’s burial was found. The skull of the deceased was sent to Moscow for a thorough examination.
Today, there are several versions of Zana’s origins. The first: is a black woman with mental retardation. This may very well be true. A certain number of blacks live in Abkhazia. Perhaps these are ancient immigrants from Ethiopia, or, perhaps, these are the descendants of former slaves whom the landowners acquired to work on plantations. Zana had black skin, and her children showed obvious negroid features.
The question may arise – why was she covered in wool? According to the writer Fazil Iskander, who was very interested in the history of Zana, this appearance was invented by the local population to please the researchers. After all, they have been looking for Bigfoot in Abkhazia for a very long time. Burtsev sent fragments of Khwit’s skull to Sachs, a professor at Oxford University, for an accurate genetic analysis. And in 2015, there were results that Sachs published. They indicated that Zana is one hundred percent African. However, no genetic resemblance to any modern African group has been found.
The second version says that the snowy Zana is a real Neanderthal. Most likely, these are just fantasies, since the Neanderthals were much better developed than the Abkhazian Snow Woman. According to scientists who have dedicated their lives to finding the Yeti, perhaps Zana is an unknown species of relict hominid.
But to say so without scientific research, only from oral descriptions, is wrong. Anthropologist Drobyshevsky noted that there is not a shred of single material evidence that Zana really lived. Nothing new or shocking was found in Heath’s skull. Zana’s granddaughter is a completely ordinary woman. If she were a descendant of a person who was born from a relict hominid, then, most likely, this would become clear immediately, even from the photo. Of course, scientists would like to believe that Zana is Bigfoot, but these are just assumptions so far.