That is how Hollywood is preparing for SAG Awards

Hollywood is preparing for the presentation of the SAG Awards, the prizes awarded annually by the Screen Actors Guild, the actors’ union.

The statuettes, which are handed out at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, count as one of the most important indicators for the Oscars at the end of February. The actors who decide which professional brothers receive the SAG Awards are also largely the voters for the Oscars in these categories.

The big favourites for the main roles are Glenn Close and Christian Bale. The 71-year-old Close has a chance to win the prize for her performance in The Wife, about the wife of a writer who has carved herself all her life.

Most exciting category

Bale has already won several prizes for his performance of former vice president Dick Cheney in the vicious reconstruction of the political career of the Republican politician who co-founded the ‘War on Terror’. A second contender is Rami Malek, who in the successful film Bohemian Rhapsody performs the homosexual Queen singer Freddie Mercury.

In the male supporter category, Maheshala Ali (Moonlight) is favourite for his rendition of an Afro-American pianist in the true roadmoving drama Green Book. A ‘dark horse’ could be Sam Elliott, who plays the brother of an alcoholic singer in hit film A Star is Born.

The female supporting role is the most exciting category, because the big favourite at the Oscars (actress Regina King) did not have a SAG nomination. This seems to pave the way for Amy Adams, who never won a SAG Award despite several nominations. In Vice she plays the layered role of Lynne Cheney, the loyal wife of the Republican politician.


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