The 5 best sports to exercise when you are hurt or recovering

When you are recovering from an injury then you need some time to find your sports routine. For someone who normally spends a lot of hours doing sports, it can be frustrating when that suddenly comes to a low ebb. You can practice these sports best after an injury.
It is always important to check with a doctor if you are ready to regularly wear your sports shoes again. These 5 sports are recommended by experts.
1. Walking
Walking is one of the simplest, but also one of the most effective types of sport. It is a good way to stay in shape, even when you are hurt. Walking is a good choice when you have to deal with an injury to your neck or upper body.
2. Stretching
By stretching you keep the body supple when you have an injury. Tense muscles contribute to neck and back pain, if you keep it supple then you also limit the discomfort. Never try to stretch an inflamed or injured part of the body.
3. Bike trainer
Do you suffer from the back or any other place on the upper body? Then try cycling on an exercise bike. The perfect way to do cardio while you are hurt.
4. Swimming
Quiet swimming is a calm way to warm up your muscles. A good way to keep in shape when you are hurt and to maintain your stamina, without having to perform a high-impact workout.
5. Yoga
Yoga is a good way to move when you have pain somewhere. Your muscles become supple and the pain is softened. You will soon feel more energetic and get back mobility faster. Check with your doctor which poses you can perform, because most poses are not suitable.