This bike improves female desire!

The practice of high-intensity cycling would be beneficial to the sexual function of women.
Women cyclists are more likely to have urinary tract infections, stool irritations, but also better sexual function, according to a study published in the medical journal of Sexual Medicine.
Researchers at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) in the United States conducted a study with 3118 sportswomen under 40 in five countries, including the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. Of these, 34% were non-cyclists, 53% were low-intensity cyclists and 13% were high-intensity cyclists.
In addition to the index of female desire, participants also completed the questionnaire of the American Urological Symptom Index.
Cyclists were asked about many factors: the type of bike used (mountain, road, hybrid, recumbent); the saddle type (broad, unpadded); the frequency of wearing padded shorts; standing while riding a bicycle the saddle angle; the height of the handlebars and the type of driving surface (urban, rural, off-road).
The researchers adjusted their results with several risk factors, such as age, body mass index, hypertension, diabetes, and smoking.
The researchers confirmed a link between intensive cycling and certain gynecological disorders such as irritations due to the friction of the saddle. But, they also observed some improvement in sexual function for high-intensity cyclists and a lower probability of reporting sexual dysfunction than among non-cyclists.
“We found that the kilometers traveled for life were associated with a better sexual function, measured by a common questionnaire and validated,” said the first author Thomas W. Gaither, a medical student at UCSF.