The most interesting caves in the world

Caves are often perceived as something terrible, an entrance to the magical dark world, dirty, damp, and musty. Nevertheless, they can have their own varied life; they can be underwater or ice. Some of them represent something extraordinary and attract many people with their incomprehensible charm.
Krubera cave

Krubera Cave was named one of the deepest caves in the world. In October 2004, scientists estimated its depth at 2,080 meters. The cave is located in the Republic of Abkhazia.
Some previously unknown life forms have been found in the cave at a depth of more than 300 meters, such as false scorpions, parasitic worms, and transparent fish, living here in water temperatures of about zero degrees.
Lubang Nasib Bagus

Lubang Nasib Bagus, or Goodluck Cave, is famous as the most extensive cave on the earth. It is situated in the Gunung Mulu National Park in Borneo. The approximate ceiling height is 100 meters, and the maximum dimensions are estimated at 700 x 400 meters. The cave is so more enormous that it can fit eight jet planes or 7,500 passenger buses in length. All Fortune Caves were created under the influence of running water five million years ago
Marble Cathedral

The Cuevas de Marmol, or Marble Cathedral, is located in a cave washed into the rock by the waters of the Lago General Carrera Lake, which is the fourth largest lake in Argentina and the largest in Chile. It is situated on the border between Chile and Argentina.
To get to this fantastic place, tourists need to fly from the capital to the town of Coyhaique, then still get 320 km to the south of the lake. But the long journey is worth it, and viewers will be rewarded with views of crystal clear waters and beautifully patterned marble walls. The caves can only be accessible by boat.
The cave was formed 6,000 years ago by waves crashing against calcium carbonate—the color of the water changes depending on the climate, water level, and the season.
Waitomo cave

Waitomo Cave in New Zealand is home to tiny firefly spiders Arachnocampa Luminosa. They glow to attract insects by luring them into the silk threads of their web. Thousands of these fireflies live in Waitomo Cave, which has become one of the main attractions of the North Island of New Zealand. You can take a boat ride along with the Grotto of Fireflies and admire the glow of hundreds of fireflies on the ceiling. In the lower cave, the Cathedral of the Audit Chamber and the acoustics are considered ideal for concerts of opera stars.
Wisteria Tunnel

The Kawachi Fuji Garden is a beautiful place. And the most beautiful place in the garden is the Wisteria Tunnel or even the Wisteria Tunnel. About 150 wisteria plants grow here, no less than 20 species grown in the garden, blooming in purple, white, blue, blue, or pink. The better time to visit the gardens is from late April to mid-May when the Fuji Matsuri or Wisteria Festival is held. The peak flowering season is in late April. At other times of the year, wisterias do not bloom, and visitors only see lifeless branches.
Orda cave

Orda Cave, the lengthiest underwater cave in Russia and the world. Its length is almost 5 km. The water in the cave is so pure and transparent that divers diving into its bowels will see at a distance of up to 45 meters.
However, the Orda cave is not a suitable place for walking unprepared tourists. Small passages and caverns that branch off from the main cave are still poorly studied. The water is always cold here.