The secret of eating fast food without gaining too much weight

Getting fat depends not only on a person’s metabolism or physical activity but also on the time of day they eat, says a nutritionist. For example, there are specific times when going to a fast-food restaurant will have less harmful consequences.

Some people dream of being able to eat at a fast-food restaurant without affecting their figure. For Russian nutritionist Elena Solomatina, this is (almost) possible, since weight gain does not only depend on a person’s metabolism, age or physical activity, but also on the time of the meal.

In the morning, metabolic processes are faster, so if the body absorbs fatty food at that time of the day, the body will burn calories from it during the day, she explained in the newspaper Vetchernyaya Moskva.

Of course, it is better to be active during the day. Eating a hamburger and then “sitting at the desk all day or watching TV is a different story,” she added. Young active people will do better with fast food, since they have an accelerated metabolism.

No fast food at night

During the night, the exchange processes also work, but less intensively. Thus, a hamburger eaten shortly before going to sleep is unlikely to be “spent” by the body and will, therefore, build up an extra fat reserve that will accumulate with the rest.

The secret of eating fast food without gaining too much weight

“300 grams here, 300 grams there, and in six months or a year, the difference is very visible,” the expert concluded.

Note* Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional for any questions you may have about your health or condition. Never disregard a health care professional’s advice or delay getting it because of what you read on this website.
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